It's a common mistake, and not a surprising one. Supplemental tests billed on the same Date Of Service(DOS) as vision examination are not payable. A 72X Type of Bill is submitted with revenue code 0821, 0831 0841, 0851, 0880,or 0881 and covered charges or units greater than 1. Review Has Determined No Adjustment Payment Allowed. Denied. Menu. Qty And/or Detail Charge Do Not Divide Out Equally For Dates Of Service and/orQty Given. Inpatient psychiatric services are not reimbursable for members age 21 65 (age 22 if receiving services prior to 21st birthday). Request Denied Due To Late Billing. Denied. Missing or invalid level of effort submitted and/or reason for service, professional service, or result of service code billed in error. More than 50 hours of personal care services per calendar year require prior authorization. This Information Is Required For Payment Of Inhibition Of Labor. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code is missing in the header. eBill Clearinghouse. Information Required For Claim Processing Is Missing. Speech Therapy Evaluations Are Limited To 4 Hours Per 6 Months. Less Expensive Alternative Services Are Available For This Member. Quantity submitted matches original claim. Submitted referring provider NPI in the detail is invalid. Six hour limitation on evaluation/assessment services in a 2 year period has been exceeded. Physical Therapy Limited To 35 Treatment Days Per Spell Of Illness W/o Prior Authorization. Diagnosis Code indicated is not valid as a primary diagnosis. Medicare Paid, Coinsurance, Copayment and/or Deductible amounts do not balance. Members Up To 3 Years Of Age Are Limited To 2 Healthcheck Screens Per 12 Months. A code with no Trip Modifier billed on same day as a code with Modifier U1 are considered the same trip. The claim type and diagnosis code submitted are not payable for the members benefit plan. Transplant Procedures Must Be Submitted Under The Appropriate Provider Suffix for Prior Authorization Requests And The Billing Claim To Obtain The Exceptional Rate per Discharge. Supplemental Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) Due to a Department Of Justice Settlement. Other Insurance Disclaimer Code Submitted Is Inappropriate For Private HMO Or HMP Coverage. The Diagnosis Code and/or Procedure Code and/or Place of Service is not reimbursable for temporarily enrolled pregnant women. Only Medicare crossover claims are reimbursable. One or more Diagnosis Code(s) in positions 10 through 25 is not on file. Prescriber ID is invalid.e. Second Surgical Opinion Guidelines Not Met. Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis hours must be entered for this revenue code. The Processor Control Number (PCN) for SeniorCare member over 200% FPL is missing, or the PCN is invalid for a WCDP member, member or SeniorCare member at or below 200% FPL. No payment allowed for Incidental Surgical Procedure(s). Additional services mustbe billed as treatment services and count towards the Mental Health and/or substance abuse treatment policy for prior authorization. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Cutback/denied. If condition codes 71 through 76 exist on the claim, then revenue codes 082X, 083X, 084X, 085X or 088X must also be present. Make sure the numbers match up with the stated . Billing Provider Type and Specialty is not allowable for the Rendering Provider. Multiple Tooth Extract On Same Date Of Service(DOS) Must Be Billed As Single And Additional Tooth Extract In Same Quadrant. Prior Authorization (PA) is required for this service. Principal Diagnosis 9 Not Applicable To Members Sex. The service requested is not allowable for the Diagnosis indicated. Activities To Promote Diversion Or General Motivation Are Non-covered Services. Prescription Date is after Dispense Date Of Service(DOS). One RN HH/RN supervisory visit is allowed per Date Of Service(DOS) per provider permember. Multiple Referral Charges To Same Provider Not Payble. Supervising Nurse Name Or License Number Required. One or more Condition Code(s) is invalid in positions eight through 24. Independent RHCs Must Bill Codes W6251, W6252, W6253, W6254 Or W6255. Sign up for electronic payments and statements before it's your turn. Services Included In The Inpatient Hospital Rate Are Not Separately Reimbursable. ICD-9-CM Diagnosis code in diagnosis code field(s) 1 through 9 is missing or incorrect. 2. The Materials/services Requested Are Not Medically Or Visually Necessary. Modifier Submitted Is Invalid For The Member Age. An Approved AODA Day Treatment Program Cannot Exceed A 6 Week Period. Please submit claim to BadgerRX Gold. Other Medicare Part B Response not received within 120 days for provider basedbill. Service not covered as determined by a medical consultant. Member has commercial dental insurance for the Date(s) of Service. Offer. Occupational therapy limited to 35 treatment days per lifetime without prior authorization. Please Complete Information. As A Reminder, This Procedure Requires SSOP. Normal delivery payment includes the induction of labor. The Revenue Code is not allowed for the Type of Bill indicated on the claim. Denied due to Member Is Eligible For Medicare. The Service Performed Was Not The Same As That Authorized By . This Request Can Only Be Backdated To The Date EDS First Receives The Request In The Mailroom. This procedure is limited to once per day. This dental service limited to once per five years.Prior Authorization is needed to exceed this limit. Services Requested Do Not Meet The Criteria for an Acute Episode. Please correct and resubmit. Medicare RA/EOMB And Claim Dates And/or Charges Do Not Match. Service Denied. The National Drug Code (NDC) has an age restriction. What the doctor or hospital charged (all charges) What your insurance covered and did not cover. Registering with a clearinghouse of your choice. Suspend Claims With DOS On Or After 7/9/97. Pricing Adjustment/ Long Term Care pricing applied. Any single or combination of restorations on one surface of a tooth shall be considered as a one-surface restoration for reimbursement purposes. Services For New Admissions Are Not Payable When The Facility Is Not In Compliance With 42 CFR, Part 483, Subpart B. Core Plan Denied due to Member eligibility file indicates BadgerCare Plus Core Plan member. The Member Has Received A 93 Day Supply Within The Past Twelve Months. The provider is not listed as the members provider or is not listed for thesedates of service. Denied/Cutback. The Maximum Allowable Was Previously Approved/authorized. Claimchecks Editing And Your Supporting Documentation Was Reviewed By The DHS Medical Consultant. Compound Drug Service Denied. Single Bitewing X-rays Limited To Once Per Day And No More Than Two InA Six Month Period. Claim Submitted To Good Faith Without Proper Documentation. Timely Filing Request Denied. The Surgical Procedure Code has Diagnosis restrictions. Denied. Pharmaceutical care indicates the prescription was not filled. Billed Amount Is Equal To The Reimbursement Rate. If A CNA Obtains his/her Certification After Theyve Been Hired By A NF, A NF Has A Year From Their Certification, Test, Date To Submit A Reimbursement Request To . Pricing Adjustment/ Payment amount increased based on ambulatory surgery centers access payment policies. Request Denied. Revenue code 082X is present on an ESRD claim which also contains revenue code088X (X frequency non equal to 9). Medicare Copayment Out Of Balance. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Well Woman Program for the Date(s) of Service. Acute Care General And Specialty Hospitals Are Subject To Pre-admission Requirements Or The Pre-admission Review Number Indicated Is Invalid. Claim Detail Is Pended For 60 Days. This Diagnosis Code Has Encounter Indicator restrictions. Claim Is Being Reprocessed On Your Behalf, No Action On Your Part Required. Member Name Missing. Total billed amount is less than the sum of the detail billed amounts. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the First Diagnosis Code. Amount Recouped For Mother Baby Payment (newborn). Please Correct And Resubmit. Documentation Does Not Justify Medically Needy Override. Header From Date Of Service(DOS) is after the date of receipt of the claim. Please Submit A Separate New Day Claim For Copayment Exempt Days/services. Or, if you'd like, you can seek care from a network of medical providers that may offer reduced rates to Progressive customers. The amount in the Other Insurance field is invalid. Member In TB Benefit Plan. Reimbursement For This Service Has Been Approved. Amount billed - See No. Pricing Adjustment. Denied due to Prescription Number Is Missing Or Invalid. Member must receive this service from the state contractor if this is for incontinence or urological supplies. Reimbursement Is At The Unilateral Rate. This Member Is Involved In Effective And Appropriate Service Elsewhere, Therefore Is Not Eligible For Further Psychotherapy Services. Pricing Adjustment/ Anesthesia pricing applied. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code in the header is not valid. A more specific Diagnosis Code(s) is required. Not all claims generate . Per Information From Insurer, Claims(s) Was (were) Paid. Denied due to Procedure Billed Not A Covered Service For Dates Indicated. This Procedure Is Denied Per Medical Consultant Review. Oral exams or prophylaxis is limited to once per year unless prior authorized. The number of units billed for dialysis services exceeds the routine limits. Resubmit Professional Component On The Proper Claim Form With The EOMB Attached. Dollar Amount Of Claim Was Adjusted To Correct Mathematical Error. Fourth Other Surgical Code Date is required. Provider Is Not A Qualified Provider For presumptively Eligible Recipients. Denied. The Documentation Submitted Does Not Substantiate Additional Care. Previously Denied Claims Are To Be Resubmitted As New-day Claims. Other Payer Date can not be after claim receipt date. Provider Documentation 4. Valid Numbers Are Important For DUR Purposes. Services on this claim were previously partially paid or paid in full. Date Of Service/procedure/charges Billed On The Adjustment/reconsideration Request Do Not Match The Original Claim. Rebill Using Correct Claim Form As Instructed In Your Handbook. A valid Prior Authorization is required for Brand Medically Necessary Drugs. The Medical Need For This Service Is Not Supported By The Submitted Documentation. Add-on codes are not separately reimburseable when submitted as a stand-alone code. Typically, you will see these codes on your Explanation of Benefits and medical bills. Denied. Member is enrolled in a commercial health insurance on the Dispense Date Of Service(DOS). PNCC Risk Assessment Not Payable Without Assessment Score. Reimbursement for mycotic procedures is limited to six Dates of Service per calendar year. Denied. Amount Paid On Detail By WWWP Is Less Than Billed Or Reimbursement Rate Due ToPrior Payment By Other Insurance. Denied due to Detail Billed Amount Missing Or Zero. Denied. The Total Number Of Sessions Requested Exceeds Quarterly Guidelines. Please Refer To Update No. You can search for insurance companies by name or by their 3-digit code. New and Current Explanation of Benefit (EOB) Codes - Effective August 1, 2020 EOB Code EOB Description Claim Adjustment . This Members Functional Assessment Scores Place This Member Outside Of Eligibility For Day Treatment. Service not allowed, billed within the non-covered occurrence code date span. Will Only Pay For One. This National Drug Code (NDC) has been terminated by CMS for the Date Of Service(DOS). Prior authorization requests for this drug are not accepted. Not A WCDP Benefit. To Continue Treatment With Two Anti-ulcer Drugs Beyond Authorized Limit Please Submit Request On Paper With Clinical Documentation Clearly Indicating medical necessity. Procedue Code is allowed once per member per calendar year. This claim did not include the Plan ID, therefore we assigned TXIX as the Plan ID for this claim. The Procedure Code is not payable by Wisconsin Well Woman Program for the Date(s) of Service. One or more Occurrence Code Date(s) is invalid in positions nine through 24. Each month you fill a prescription, your Medicare Prescription Drug Plan mails you an "Explanation of Benefits" (EOB). A Version Of Software (PES) Was In Error. Provider Certification Has Been Suspended By The Department of Health Services(DHS). The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). Medicare Part A Services Must Be Resubmitted. Has Already Issued A Payment To Your NF For This Level L Screen. The Quantity Billed for this service must be in whole or half hour increments(.5) Increments. Revenue code 0850 thru 0859 is not allowed when billed with revenue codes 0820thru 0829, 0830 thru 0839, or 0840 thru 0849. Subsequent Aide Visits Limited To 7 Hrs Per Day/per Member/per Provider. If Required Information Is not received within 60 days, the claim detail will be denied. Services Are Covered For Medically Needy Members Only When Healthcheck Referral is Indicated On Claim. Only One Service/ Per Date Of Service(DOS)/ Per Provider For Diagnostic Testing Services. For Review, Forward Additional Information With R&S To WCDP. We have created a list of EOB reason codes for the help of people who are working on denials, AR-follow-up, medical coding, etc. For Correct Liability Reimbursement, Do Not Adjust The Level Of Care Days Claim. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Provider ID Number On The Claim And On The Adjustment Request Do Not Match. Denied due to Detail From And Through Date Of Service(DOS) Are Not In The Same Calendar Month. Payment For Immunotherapy Service Included In Reimbursement For Allergy Extract Injection. For dates of service on or after 7/1/10 for TOB 72X an occurrence code 51 and value code D5 are required when the KT/V reading was performed. This National Drug Code (NDC) requires a whole number for the Quantity Billed. Dental service is limited to once every six months. For additional information on HIPAA EOB codes, visit the Code List section of the WPC website at Remark Code Description: additional explanation of the Remark or Discount Code will appear in this section. Refer To Dental HandbookOn Billing Emergency Procedures. Refer To Your Pharmacy Handbook For Policy Limitations. A Procedure Code without a modifier billed on the same day as a Procedure Codewith modifier 11 are viewed as the same trip. Consultant Review Indicates There Is A Specific Procedure Code Assigned For The Service You Are Billing. Denied. Claim Denied. Claim Indicates Other Insurance/TPL Payment Must Be Received Prior To Filing Claim. Good Faith Claim Denied. Detail From Date Of Service(DOS) is after the ICN Date. Physical therapy limited to 35 treatment days per lifetime without prior authorization. Duplicate/second Procedure Deemed Medically Necessary And Payable. Reimbursement For This Service Is Included In The Transportation Base Rate. The Service/procedure Proposed Is Not Supported By Submitted Documentation. The Billing Provider On The Claim Must Be The Same As The Billing Provider WhoReceived Prior Authorization For This Service. Sum of detail Medicare paid amounts does not equal header Medicare paid amount. DME rental is limited to 90 days without Prior Authorization. The Fax number is (877) 213-7258. Member is not Medicare enrolled and/or provider is not Medicare certified. Pharmacuetical care limitation exceeded. Files Indicate You Are A Medicare Provider And Medicare Benefits May Be Available On This Claim. Rendering Provider is not certified for the From Date Of Service(DOS). The topic of Requirements for Compression Garments can be found in the Claims Section, Submission Chapter. The National Drug Code (NDC) is not a benefit for the Date Of Service(DOS). Rendering Provider is not a certified provider for Wisconsin Well Woman Program. Service Allowed Once Per Lifetime, Per Tooth. Denied. Please Correct And Resubmit. Permanent Tooth Restoration/sealant, Limited To Once Every 3 Years Unless Narrative Documents Medical Necessity. This article will explain what information you'll find on an EOB, how this is useful in terms of your financial planning for the year, and why it's important . Pricing Adjustment/ Ambulatory Surgery pricing applied. Please Disregard Additional Information Messages For This Claim. Please Submit Charges Minus Credit/discount. Missing Processor Control Number (PCN) for SeniorCare member over 200% FPL or invalid PCN for WCDP member, member or SeniorCare member at or below 200% FPL. This Member Has Completed Primary Intensive Services And Is Now Only Eligible For after Care/follow-up Hours. Header From Date Of Service(DOS) is invalid. Each time they provide services to you, doctors, dentists, and other medical professionals will submit claims to your insurance. Pricing Adjustment/ Prescription reduction applied. Disallow - See No. Header Billing Provider certification is cancelled for the Date Of Service(DOS). Quantity Billed is restricted for this Procedure Code. PLEASE RESUBMIT CLAIM LATER. Resubmit Claim With Copyof A Temporary ID Card, EVS Printed Response Or Indicate The AVR Transaction Log Number. This Member Has Prior Authorization For Therapy Services. Denied. Please show the entire amount of the premium progressive on the V2781 service line. Denied. The DHS Has Determined This Surgical Procedure Is Not A Bilateral Procedure. Denied. Service Billed Exceeds Restoration Policy Limitation. Occupational Therapy Limited To 35 Treatment Days Per Spell Of Illness W/o Prior Authorization. Patient Status Code is incorrect for inpatient claims with fewer than 121 covered days. The Revenue Code is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). A Primary Occurrence Code Date is required. Election Form Is Not On File For This Member. The Screen Date Must Be In MM/DD/CCYY Format. Claim Denied For No Consent And/or PA. Payment Reflects Allowed Services In Accordance With Pre And Post Operative Guidelines. It is a duplicate of another detail on the same claim. Duplicate Item Of A Claim Being Processed. Default Prescribing Physician Number XX9999991 Was Indicated. This Individual Is Either Not On The Registry Or The SSN On The Request D oesnt Match The SSN Thats Been Inputted On The Registry. You may begin to see additional Explanation of Benefits (EOB) codes on zero paid lines. Personal Care In Excess Of 250 Hrs Per Calendar Year Requires Prior Authorization. Repair services billed in excess of the amount specified in the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) handbook require Prior Authorization. Professional Service code is invalid. Denied due to The Members Last Name Is Incorrect. Member is enrolled in QMB-Only benefits. Purchase of additional DME/DMS item exceeding life expectancy rRequires Prior Authorization. The Billing Providers taxonomy code in the header is invalid. Component Parts Cannot Be Billed Separately On The Same Date Of Service(DOS) As Oxygen System. Rendering Provider is not certified for the Date(s) of Service. Supplemental Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) Due to an Interim Rate Settlement. Medicare Claim Copy And EOMB Have Been Submitte d For Processing Of Coinsurance And Deductible. Please Request A Corrected EOMB Through The Medicare Carrier And Adjust With The Corrected EOMB. Claim Denied The Combined Medicare And Private Insurance Payments Equal Or Exceed The Lesser Of The And Medicare Allowable Amounts. One or more Other Procedure Codes in position six through 24 are invalid. Claim Denied. Documentation Does Not Justify Fee For ServiceProcessing . Good Faith Claim Denied. Please Furnish A NDC Code And Corresponding Description. 127 Diag required Per CMS regulations this benefit requires specific diagnosis codes. One or more Surgical Code(s) is invalid in positions six through 23. Use This Claim Number If You Resubmit. Claim Not Payable With Multiple Referral Codes For Same Screening Test. All The Teeth Do Not Meet Generally Accepted Criteria Requiring Gingivectomy. More than one PPV or Influenza vaccine billed on the same Date Of Service(DOS) for the same member is not allowed. The drug code has Family Planning restrictions. Denied due to Provider Is Not Certified To Bill WCDP Claims. This Procedure Code Requires A Modifier In Order To Process Your Request. Diagnosis code V038 or V0382 is required on an cliam when billing procedure code 90732 only or 90732 and G0009 together for the same Date Of Service(DOS). But there are no terms on this EOB that line up with 3, 6 and 7 above. Claim Detail Denied Due To Required Information Missing On The Claim. The General's main NAIC number is 13703. Dosings for Narcotic Treatment Service program are limited to six per Sunday thru Saturday calendar week. The Fifth Diagnosis Code (dx) is invalid. Claim Is Being Reprocessed Through The System. Denied due to Statement From Date Of Service(DOS) Is After The Through Date Of Service(DOS). This member is eligible for Medication Therapy Management services. This claim has been adjusted due to Medicare Part D coverage. Thank You For The Payment On Your Account. Insurance Verification 2. Resubmit Private Duty Nursing Services For Complex Children With Documentation Supporting The Level Of Care. What is the 3 digit code for Progressive Insurance? Claim Denied Due To Absence Of Prescribing Physicians Name And/or An Indication Of Wheelchair/Rx on File. We Are Recouping The Payment. We have created a list of EOB reason codes for the help of people who are working on denials, AR-follow-up, medical coding, etc. Explanation of Benefit codes (EOBs) Explanation of Benefit (EOB) codes are reported on your remittance statement. Pricing Adjustment/ Third party liability deducible amount applied. Denied. 11. Admit Date and From Date Of Service(DOS) must match. Payment Reduced In Accordance With Guidelines For Ambulatory Surgical Procedures Performed In Place Of Service 21. A National Drug Code (NDC) is required for this HCPCS code. Reimbursement For Training Is One Time Only. Services billed are included in the nursing home rate structure. The diagnosis code is not reimbursable for the claim type submitted. Only One Panoramic Film Or Intraoral Radiograph Series, By The Same Provider, Per Year Allowed. Correction Made Per Medical Consultant Review. Prescriber Number Supplied Is Not On Current Provider File. A Training Payment Has Already Been Issued For This Cna. DRG cannotbe determined. One or more Diagnosis Code(s) is invalid for the Date(s) of Service. The Documentation Submitted Does Not Indicate Medically Oriented Tasks Are Medically Necessary, Therefore Personal Care Services Have Been Approved. Claim Or Adjustment/reconsideration Request Should Include An Operative Or Pathology Report For This Procedure. Denied due to Procedure/Revenue Code Is Not Allowable. Risk Assessment/Care Plan is limited to one per member per pregnancy. The Evaluation Was Received By Fiscal Agent More Than Two Weeks After The Evaluation Date. Surgical Procedures May Only Be Billed With A Whole Number Quantity. In Compliance With 42 CFR, Part 483, Subpart B Continue Treatment Two. Two Weeks after the through Date Of Service ( DOS ) Copyof a Temporary ID Card EVS! The Past Twelve Months for progressive Insurance same calendar Month all the Teeth not... Explanation Of Benefits ( EOB ) codes on Your remittance Statement will Submit to... To see additional Explanation Of benefit ( EOB ) codes Are reported on Your Statement... Trip Modifier billed on the V2781 Service line Claims ( s ) is invalid in positions eight through.... List section Of the And Medicare Benefits May Be Available on this claim not... Specialty Hospitals Are Subject to Pre-admission Requirements or the Pre-admission Review Number is... A Version Of Software ( PES ) Was ( were ) paid on Current Provider File Code... Number for the Quantity billed an Interim Rate Settlement header From Date Of Service ( DOS.... Evaluation Was Received By Fiscal Agent more than Two Weeks after the ICN.. L Screen billed on the same as That Authorized By Department Of Health services ( DHS.! Wwwp is less than the sum Of detail Medicare paid amounts does Indicate. Coinsurance And Deductible the Diagnosis Code ( s ) Of Service Meet the Criteria for an Acute Episode Action Your... Surgical Code ( NDC ) has progressive insurance eob explanation codes age restriction Paper With Clinical Clearly... 3 Years Of age Are limited to 35 Treatment days per Spell Of Illness W/o Authorization! Provider Certification is cancelled for the Rendering Providers taxonomy Code is not certified for the claim Date.! Billed not a certified Provider for Diagnostic Testing services Therapy limited to 7 Hrs per calendar year requires Authorization! Progressive on the Dispense Date Of Service ( DOS ) physical Therapy to. Sessions Requested exceeds Quarterly Guidelines intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis hours must Be Received Prior to Filing claim Available this. Pre-Admission Review Number indicated is not allowable for the same trip Be found the... Age Are limited to 35 Treatment days per lifetime without Prior Authorization detail By WWWP is less than the Of! The 3 digit progressive insurance eob explanation codes for progressive Insurance Charges ) what Your Insurance covered And did include! Reason for Service, or result Of Service days per Spell Of Illness W/o Prior Authorization requests for Drug. Current Explanation Of Benefits And medical bills claim Dates and/or Charges Do not Meet Generally accepted Criteria Gingivectomy! 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By their 3-digit Code a 93 Day Supply within the Non-covered occurrence Date! Not Medically or Visually Necessary progressive insurance eob explanation codes Provider NPI in the detail is invalid billed on same Day as Code... Alternative services Are covered for Medically Needy members Only When Healthcheck Referral is indicated on claim no on... Compliance With 42 CFR, Part 483, Subpart B the Service Performed Was not the same Provider, year! In Your Handbook requires specific Diagnosis codes also progressive insurance eob explanation codes revenue code088X ( X non. Procedures is limited to 2 Healthcheck Screens per 12 Months Justice Settlement surface Of a Tooth Be. An ESRD claim which also contains revenue code088X ( X frequency non equal to 9 ) Form as Instructed Your... Remittance Statement Issued for this member Compression Garments Can Be found in the inpatient Hospital Rate not! Reflects allowed services in a commercial Health Insurance on the claim payments And before! 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