I would message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we were cool, etc. that was our first meeting in years! Then he told all of the other trumpets that it was that day. So I dont know what answers I want at this moment but whatever your conclusion is Ill appreciate it. I questioned him, and asked him why he needed such a large amount, he told me, but then later said it I was being too inquisitive, and asking too many questions, and he felt like the questioning was like a mother talking to a son. Right now I feel like Im done with him he send me a text this morning and Im not even feeling bad for not responding Im also not planning ons talking to him again. Of course you should also always trust your own feel on it too. Be bold and brave! He pretends not to care about the plans you make because he is trying to push you away because he is so afraid of getting hurt. If he didnt care, he wouldnt bother with asking you to stay in touch. I personally think he does this because he has definitely been hurt before and if he shows you that he cares about you, then it is game over for him. I told him I need to see him face to face, so it would help convince me, you are who you say you are, and that you mean what you say, and you say what you mean. Not to let him get away with stuff but being able to talk to him in a soft way that wont make him feel as though hes an awful person. I feel like we connected very well on all possible levels. We both broke it off cause I found that he was on bubble. He almost did but I didnt let that happen so I started to distance myself away from him. Ask him if hes alright or if something has changed between you. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. He got drowned by his own thoughts. I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. I wasnt expecting to like him this time. He never once asked me for anything. He didnt want to go through that again with me and not focus and not finish his studies to be there for his family as they are relying on him financially as well. So how to know if a Pisces man is playing you? We ended up taking a scooter to go around the city and later having drinks and talking about business and philosophical issues. 1. Hes not likely to change upon having a baby. Give him a chance to explain. We had made an agreement to see each other the next day, which was Monday. I suspect that the term ghosting was invented by a woman who was dating a Pisces man Thats what they do, one minute everything is amazing, and the next thing you havent heard from your Pisces man in ages! I declined. If hes still playing with you then he may not yet be ready to give that up while hes playing with others. I told him I was sorry and that I dont want him to hate me but all he said was I dont hate anyone. Then at every practice, the trumpets would talk about how I liked him. Again, this is something you have to learn so that you arent a victim to his games. Because of his sun sign. Wishing you the best! Its this type of thing that can cause Pisces man to play mind games. Am I fool to keep chasing and wanting to be with him, oh and FYI there is a 15 year difference between us, but that does not seem to matter to either of us. Men born in Pisces are famous for their psychic capacities. I loved his cheeky approach and enjoyed chatting to him and it escalated quickly as he was saying all the right things. By the way, did you know that older still sexy rock star Jon Bon Jovi is a Pisces? I dont ask for money for anything else at all. The good thing about a Pisces man is that when he commits, he really commits. We woke up next morning, with him seeming aloof and no sign of tenderness. Im a Leo woman. When I confronted abt this he said he thinks he has intimacy issues and doesnt know why he cant spend time alone with me. They are a little more grounded than the male Pisces because they are more in tune with Mother Earth. Then i realized that hes still texting me every night but after that confrontation he is becoming quite distant and only text me so that he wont look like a jerk in my eyes. There is just so much the sun sign can tell you. He tells me hes not taken me for granted but his responses to my supportive behavior are very vague if he even responds at all. You may be hooked but it doesnt seem he is otherwise you wouldnt be asking why he ghosted you. He moved away to a different state this month, and just recently, he offered to let me stay at his apartment when I visited, but after I told him the dates, he said hed let me know that day and never got back to me. He sees no value in reaching out and trying to talk anything through. When you do; youll realize that though hes a smooth talker; hes fallible and you can calculate if Pisces man playing mind games is happening or not. They can seem rather needy and clingy to some. He's an over-thinker. Im just now figuring out his mood swings. Well I said yes dec he treated me like I was the best thing ever treating me like his girlfriend said he did not want to neglect me . As things started to get alittle more intense; I finally couldnt take my dishonesty anymore and wanted to break things off. This just leaves you totally heartbroken. We immediately connected and seem inseparable. i texted him and said Im On my way and he immediately texted back hold up and thats it. He makes plans and visions us being together at all times. Not sure if I should invest my whole scorp heart in it. He will blame everyone else for his problems and make excuses about why it is never his fault. He has a habit of saying hes gonna come see me and doesnt and I dont know what to make of it. I know that he is in a healing stage as he broke up but he did not tell me its has been how long. Did he swim away because I didnt cave in? And I said, what abt? And he said, I think Im staying in marching band. I was so happy and I told him how glad I was to hear that. After the break, he seemed a little distant as if he didnt want to talk much anymore even though we had a really fun time over text. The flaky behavior is because he isnt invested or interested sweetheart. I thought, how could someone like him just want to quit? He also asked my roomate if we were having sex, but my roomate is just a close friend. Like I I helped him go to therapy for his depression, we talked about certain thing and I let him know . The 11th grader looked at me and said, wait you like kohen? Tell him what it is that you really want and then ask him what it is he really wants because you feel hes keeping you at somewhat of a distance. We also slept together but this didnt work out very well, which I did not consider a big issue as it was the first time (nervousness) and we also had a lot of wine. I even called him on google voice but was nervous to respond when he picked up because I figured that would make me look crazy. He hugged me, and he said he will call me during the week to see how Im doing, I agreed but dont know how I feel about this. But social media isn't the only sign that a ghoster might be planning their grand return. You simply have to learn what they are and what you can do about it. If you have apologized then he probably just needs a little time to process what has happened. We both said mean things to eachother then he said he was done with me. But then one night I drank a glass to many wine and decided I want an answer. So, youve gotten involved with a Pisces man, but something doesnt feel right. Im sorry. Hes dual natured x 2. I wish you all the best! We were put in a trumpet group chat and one day I wanted to ask him a question so I direct messaged him. Hes not given me direct answers. Eye and body shifts, while hes telling you what he was doing or what hes going to do, will reveal to you if hes being honest or if hes playing you. Am I doing something wrong. I thought that was a good idea because they are kind of alike. You need to figure out what he is up to and I can definitely help you out! The inner journey, the spiritual quest, and the emotional realm are what the Pisces man's general focus. I know he was hoping for more but I said no. A Pisces man is motivated by emotions. If youve been around your Pisces man enough, you know he has a way with words that can convince anyone of anything. He doubts that I have real love for him. Did something happen that made you change your mind?. To have your Pisces man see you as his Queen once again! But he will always text me. So I thought to myself I need closure because he still didnt admit to seeing someone else. Thats the absolute truth. He should be able to tell you. So I got there and we talked so I told him I know Im not wrong and that he is someone else and he looked me in the eyes saying no theres not but he moved his hand. Tell him you love him and miss him. Then I had a death in my family so I postponed. Most Pisces men are looking for their one and only, so they dont do a whole lot of playing. He should tell you whether hes ready to be serious or if hes just playing around. We connected on a Wednesday, he would text and call me all day long. Kohen acted like he didnt care and kind of ignored it. Why break it all up by telling him he needs to give it a title. If you need more help, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Till now we are in touch but I feel like he is afraid of commiting and not say anything. As a Virgo, you should relate to that because most Virgos are also extremely private. Kohen is quiet but funny and witty, and also a little shy. Well we started talking again as friends in July of that same year. If he really decides he wants to be with you, hell make it very known. If you would like more insight, please read my book Pisces Man Secrets. So he explained he was going through something financial and that he wasnt sure if Id want to be with him during that state which is weird coz I dont mind, I just want him close to me. So in the week I texted him about it so he said he hasnt slept with someone yet. Its my pleasure to do what I can to help women understand Pisces men. I think there is a good quantity of Pisces men who cant be trusted and relied upon. We have been seeing each other for 7 months now with very slow progress. Pisces man can be a serious space cadet, the non-mindful ones at least. I would suggest you learn more about Pisces men. I later told him he was mine in a text. First, let me give some background. Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (dont worry, its anonymous). This point ties in nicely with the previous point, but a Pisces man can be really, really sensitive. About 30 mins before 10 he texted and said he needs a raincheck because he has to go out of town. He was after me for almost a year before I gave him a second chance. I also realized that he has intimacy issues. Youll figure it out fairly quickly. As a Capricorn, you should be able to provide stability and a steady ground from with to work on. Weve talked, we never clear past issues more do sweep it under the rug. Dont sell yourself short. Thats a first! One minute you are dating your beautiful and romantic Pisces man and the next, things just seem a little off. I wish you all the luck of the stars! so I can hear your voice. Until that happens, dont focus on him. We met for lunch and a long walk, and later in the afternoon we went to my place to start cooking. I think Its too early to even start talking about sex and he says, we adults shouldnt put a time on things. Ghosted, I didnt bug him or anything, because Im understanding maybe he has got some stuff he needs to sort out. Especially feelings like guilt. Then I found out that I was a Sagittarius. He was like yes, just need some fresh air. Then kohen walked into the room to grab something and as he was leaving and the 11 graders looked at him and said, Kohen, do you like Nevada! Pisces men can be liars, but it is a case-by-case scenario. Though during the day we hung out with his best friend and the best friends gf then later we were alone for maybe 8 hrs and let me add how he said to them that Ive been giving this girl so much stress but she has been so calm about it, I usually dont last with woman . Ask him in a casual way I was just curious but Id like to know where you think things are with us and where theyre headed. Soon after, I apologized. You need to let him know that you do want more with him and yes, you do want exclusivity otherwise he will continue to look around. My first love was a pisces and Im a capricorn, also his first love. Shutterstock. Then, send him a random text or call him to talk about your favorite memories. He said he was on bubble to try to forget me. The mixed signals just kill me though. He never went missing always replied to my texts during those 2 months. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. So the rest of the night went amazing we talked in bed for hours about everything and anything so before falling asleep we started making out and we finished each other off by hand we cuddled the whole night the feeling I got from him was warm and loving and honestly that night I felt like I love this man, Im not going to tell him this but this is how I felt about him. Be honest with him and tell him you will not do this back and forth with him any longer and either he wants to be with you for the long haul or he doesnt but there is no in-between. and this is why he could not access his bank. Body movement is a good indicator also. It hurts. I do love him and I miss him, but he is terrible at communication. Tell him its creepy. Even if I require validation, I know that I can change that, which is not a good enough reason to say we are not a good fit. So now today I texted him about giving me money for birth control and he just ignored me. He read it out loud and it said, dear kohen, I like you a lot, do you like me back. It felt like something stabbed me to hear those words. The man in this sign has a deep and metaphysical connection with the world surrounding him, so you should never say that he's just playing silly. The thing is this we both went into this with no strings attached and it was supposed to be just for fun, unfortunately I have caught feelings. His repose was he doesnt want to get atttached to me because he wont be able to write his medical exam which he didnt do for 10 years because he was attached to his previous ex. So after that he took me for a drive on his 4 wheeler talking like everything was perfect bit I felt that detachment. Why do that if he isnt into you? These days anything is possible. and we fell for eachother. Even Ive apologized to my pisces man sincerely and bare my soul for him to see, he is still being a bit distant with me and it hurts. Sounds like your Pisces man was very much damaged from a past relationship where he was cheated on or betrayed. Giving him space will be your best option, followed by reaching out to him to see if he is Okay. He should take the time he needs or wants on days he hasnt already promised to get together with you or at least communicate with you that he has been feeling overwhelmed and needs some space to breathe. So he blocked me! Things went really up and down but it was because I was high and Im terrified of talking about my feelings, and the fact hes not a good texter made me anxious. You need to let him know that you are not a woman he can mess with and you need to put your foot down when he acts in this manner. We made a date to meet that Tuesday night at 10pm (my preferred time). He is afraid of commitment and tells me he loves me all the time in front his friends even and hugs and kisses me non stop one day I went to his house I knew the ex was there the night before I felt a way to go in his room he noticed that and the sex was so plain not like the others days since then he never talked to me again I fell for him cause Im a Pisces myself damn I wish sometimes I was an Aquarius honestly smh. I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. But he called me before I could get home and asked me why I left so abruptly? You may not believe in this sort of thing, but they surely are very intuitive and able to feel others' emotions. Watch him, listen to him, and watch for the signs a Pisces man is playing you. He knows all the right things to say to get into your life or into your pants. Sorry for my rambling. The Pisces Man Plays Mind Games With You, 2. Pisces and Pisces Compatibility - 7 years. Give him some space and time. 7. We were to go get a drink but opted just to sit in his car and talk more. I think hes just trying to play me still thats why I wont get attached but he calls me bae in text messages like he wants me to start giving him attention again. He would do all PDA in front of friends but nothing when we are alone. He needs to find middle ground with you. As if its ok for him to do it but if I did it he wouldnt like it. We talked. Alright well, Pisces men do like an equal playing field and yes, he will want you to also text him or initiate if hes doing it primarily. I just felt that something was just not right because if you care about someone, you shouldnt be too busy for them. If I knew for certain, I could be patient with him and his mood swings. Next day, were talking as usual and he asks if I want make this official and be his girl. But he flakes always tells me yes but never does it like taking me on dates he really doesnt initiate 4 play. Don't let this idiocy make you furrow your brow. He does have alot of luxurious cars by the way maybe 10. Tuesday, were talking during his lunch break and A sexual topic starts an argument. It sounds like you do based on the fact that nothing ever gets talked about or cleared. Start looking for the things that give him away. I cant pay for anything online either so I thought it would be best to just tell you. We simply just loooved talking to each other and being in each others company. If he isnt being honest; he wont be able to keep his gaze on your eyes; hell look away and fumble his words. It must be because they are so sweet, romantic, and sensitive. When they ghost you and come back, read their message carefully. I noticed he would talk about his ex often and still was in contact and I called him out and said if you want to be with your ex then go. Im sorry youve got through this. Its was a wonderful time together. He is 2 faced sort of, he has a gemini moonhe acts super nice to me but says otherwise with ppl. He has a feeling that you are not on the same pond. ? He had his hand on the door partly opened and looked down while slightly smiling and said no. He probably still carries a torch for you. If you want to keep someone around, you have to act like you actually want them there. Find out by asking him what his deal is. He told me hell just leave me alone. Its absolutely necessary to see him on camera or in person because there are definitely a whole lot of fakes on P.O.F. He helps me with my two kids and helps me with chores around the house and will even tell me to take a break so he can cook and clean and stuff. Then I felt really bad. I am married to a pisces man for 17 years and we have a son, now since we dont have alot of privacy because his mom lives with us, he is resorting to phone sexting with other ladies and hides it from me. I wasnt embarrassed, just caught off guard. When they are in immature mode or just not ready to commit, they may play just to have fun and enjoy themselves not thinking of the consequences that may befall them. Another thing Ive observed from them is that, the less emotionally invested you are in them, the more they care. I could not do it. I wish you all the very best! As a Libra, i feel so confused with this sign. Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. A Pisces man scared of the future? I really dont know what to do. From the beginning we had a great Connection. So when I got hom I called him and told him I want to explain why I wanted to leave so urgently and that I saw the name and he told me no its someone he knows a very long time and acting like she is not a big deal but because I can read him I knew he was lying. Sex is just part of the equation honey. Roll with it Brittany! He is 18 years older than me. Maybe he is actually busy and not doing what you think he is doing. His actions and words arent lining up. Its so rude. He will also start reacting if you're spending too much time together. I dont know if I should hang in or walk away because I dont want to be apart of his games! Its not wrong of you to ask. I am sorry hes giving you mixed signals. When I told him that I have feelings for him, he said he dont know what he wants and he just trying to develop himself. Watch for everything Ive mentioned here and you should be able to tell rather quickly whether your Pisces man is actually into you and trying to commit or if hes talking himself up for something he wont ever deliver. You can also read my book Pisces Man Secrets for more insight. This is again one of the tactics your Pisces man uses to test you. The Pisces Man Offers Illusive Answers, 3. Im a Virgo. He broke my heart in pieces and so I spent a lot of time grieving as I was super young. I went to see my friend and we hung out playing video games, but what he isnt saying is: I went to hang out with my female friend and we started with video games but ended up having sex.. The first eight are signs he will come back. I actually feel like I have found my soulmate (he also tells me the same too). HE would show lots of interest in you not just physical. Is this my fault for being so defensive at the beginning? I feel crazy saying hes watching me but it feels that way. What should I do. He has to first grow up nd accept responsibility before he forms a family. If you need more tips, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets! Pretending everything's forgiven when it's not, just so you can ghost him right back, will most likely backfire. Do you see how this works? I could give you more helpful hints on how to deal with Pisces. What I should do, I do video calls with me, he adore me calling him with cute names. Is this a sort of game-testing, is he confused or is this his final word?? Try to be patient with him. I recently moved into these apartments for the first time and 2 months later he does too. Hes a lover and a dreamer. That will make him take a pause and think. Hed just do something petty to get vengeance. This is why youre experiencing what you are. I have worked tirelessly to figure out a way to fix all relationships with Pisces men. Anyway I stayed calm and 9 hrs later I texted again and I said alternatively we can just use condoms until I can get birth control and still no response. So 3 weeks went by and I know he was back from the weekend with his parents where he supposedly talked to them about us. Extremely private to myself I need closure because he has to first grow up accept! Because they are kind of ignored it has been how long most men! That up while hes playing with others next, things just seem a little shy much the sun can! 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