I tried to get her to drop it, but she wouldn't. She just sat there and stared at me with a look that said, "I'm not giving this . But just to be sure that there is no danger, your dog needs to be rabies-vaccinated. Dont try to scare or engage the possum. But, if youre ever not so sure, it is important to consult your vet for advice, treatment and potential booster shots if your dog had a possum in his mouth or killed and ate one. Even some of them bear rabies, and they are more dangerous for open wounds. This means that if your dog sees a small animal, they will consider them prey, and then get the impulse to catch and kill it. Here is what a possum bite could lead to: Its only natural to question if an opossum bite will give your dog rabies after decades of being told about the rabies danger linked with wild animal bites. I grew up on a farm where we had all sorts of animals, from cows and horses to pigs and chickens. Signs include mouth inflammation, bad breath, drooling, refusal to eat, and bleeding or open sores on the tongue or mucous membranes. In this guide I will explain what to do if your dog had a possum in his mouth. While it may seem pretty disgusting to us, many dogs delight in this tasty snack of dubious nature which some dogs liking to eat possum poop! In the wild, kibble wasnt readily available for wolves, so they had to hunt and kill their own prey like birds, squirrels, rabbits, rodents and, indeed, possums. You must log in or register to reply here. They hunt and eat in the dark, during the night. I was out walking my dog, when she suddenly lunged forward and snatched something up off the ground. An adult opossum is usually able to survive an attack by a dog or being struck by a car. Pitbulls are powerful dogs and can easily kill smaller animals. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. Possums razor-sharp teeth and long claws make them appear intimidating. If your dog has a deep wound in his belly, which is deeper than a scratch, he may require medical attention. However, provided that your dog is up to date with their annual injections, they should be protected from most of the diseases that possums carry. We're animal lovers whether it's pet or wild animals. What Should I Do? Please copy the points below and edit your post to include the answers: Links to any test results, X-rays, vet reports etc. (Drawings by Kim A. Possums can be dangerous to dogs, but they do try to avoid confrontation. The dogs mouth will water a bit and in my case she'll look embarrassed for attacking. Take them to the vet straight away if this is the case. These little animals are cute, and most of them dont cause any harm. If it is a smaller scratch with no bleeding, then you should clean the wound with water. Opossums could infect your dog with toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, or Chagas disease by touch or, in certain situations, ingesting unsafe food. Do not give OP specific treatment instructions, including instructions on meds and dosages. If this happens, keep your pet as calm as possible while avoiding contact with the possum. In a fight, a possum will be able to seriously injure your dog through scratching and biting, and this can lead to many issues or illnesses for your dog. However, they could carry diseases such as tuberculosis or coccidiosis. A mother possum will defend her babies with her life, and so this possum is far more likely to cause injury to your dog than a childless one. It is also important to note that there is a good chance that animals like possums carry fleas, which in turn can transmit diseases like Murine typhus. If the dogs shots are up to date you should be fine, if you dont think she was bit. If your dog has killed a possum in the vicinity of your home, here are some precautions you should take. Ive been working with dogs since I was a child and have been dedicated to helping them learn and grow ever since. A possums main line of defense when being attacked is to play dead. I was out walking my dog, when she suddenly lunged forward and snatched something up off the ground. As I have said before, possum doesnt carry rabies because they are not capable of surviving any predatory attack. However, you will be pleased to know that the chances of this happening are extremely rare. If possible, clean your dogs injuries with running water or warm water. My Dog Killed A Squirrel Should I Be Worried? This puts them at risk of being in contact with your dog, particularly those with a high prey drive! But still, no is no, doesn't he know that?! My Dog Died and I Feel Empty. Hunting dogs with trained and/or bred prey drives are more likely to be aggressive. Even if the possum contains rabies, the evidence will be wiped out completely. This is because they dont usually survive predatory attacks, and their bodies temperature is too low for the rabies pathogens to thrive and spread. While most dogs will recover without any lasting effects, some may be at risk for contracting certain diseases from the possum, such as rabies or leptospirosis. stopping dogs getting into trash bags outside your home, How long it takes for a dogs stomach to dissolve a bone, How to tell how old a puppy by looking at their teeth. Possums are not typically aggressive animals, so they would not put up much of a fight against a pitbull. However, you will be pleased to know that the chances of this happening are extremely rare. "What should I do if a possum bit my dog?" Clean the wound and watch for any signs of infection. For safety measures, ensure that your doggie is up to date with his annual jabs. They prefer to avoid getting into arguments. But, if youre ever not so sure, it is important to consult your vet for advice, treatment and potential booster shots if your dog had a possum in his mouth or killed and ate one. What To Do If a Dog Bites You: Steps To Take Immediately. If your dog had a possum in his mouth, you should not tense. Every dog is different, so the strength of each dogs prey drive can vary, but you can usually expect certain breeds namely, breeds that were trained and bred to hunting dogs to have stronger prey drives than others. Possums like to eat fruit, grains, and insects, but they will also eat leftovers from compost piles and garbage cans if they can get into them. A typical opossum is docile, non-aggressive, and does not attack your pets. If your dog has attacked a possum, take the following steps; You should also make sure to bring any paperwork related to your dogs previous vaccinations with you to the vet. It can be difficult to determine whether an opossum is out of sorts because their usual behavior is so strange and unusual. What Should I Do if My Dog Ate Wax Paper? The heavenly smell of hot cheese, meats, and garlicky buttery bread clawed at the starving wolf's nostrils. Customer: Tonight, our Boston Terrier came in from outside with a young possum in his mouth. Dogs and possums can meet. (You'll also get inside info and cool deals.). Still, there is a chance that an interested dog might get a bit too close to a possum, and this could lead to the possum having to defend itself, so it may lash out. If left untreated, a bite wound can develop an infection and cause complications such as fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Possums and dogs have a problem because dogs naturally bark at anything that attracts their attention, including opossums. I believe our dog is still up to date on all his shots, and thought I read somewhere that possums don't typically carry rabies. Its important to know that the possum doesnt choose to respond in this way; its a biological response to the severe threat which causes it. That sounds scary, but your dog should be protected from most diseases if they are up to date with their vaccinations. Its like theyre trying to savor the taste of their prey or perhaps theyre just proud of their accomplishment. TikTok user @dukeofhawthorn recently shared a clip featuring her dog Duke and a possum that latched on to him while the. When attacked, possums normally play dead and the predators leave them alone most of the time but not always. This can youre your dogs behaviour from escalating and prevent anyone from potentially getting hurt in the future. The Goal of Petibble is to help readers And dog owners to increase their knowledge about dogs.I hope Petibble has been a good source of information for you. They may want to send it off. If your dog has been injured in this way and is showing symptoms like having a fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, take them to a vet as soon as possible for treatment. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. Possums, on the other hand, may attack if your dog is afraid or provoked. It astounds him, and he quickly commanded his dog to leave it. Opossums are peaceful and rarely attack. Possums are frequently not rabies carriers, and if your dog is up to date on vaccines, you wont have to be concerned. Although it is rare for a possum to carry Rabies but not impossible. It is usually thought to be associated with other oral diseases, longterm antibiotic treatment, or a suppressed immune system. Cher Customer Reply to Cher's Post: He did jut vomit his dinner. However, when possums do attack dogs, this will typically be when the possum is cornered, cant get away, and is left with no choice other than to attack to save itself. For no reason, you should touch the possum or your dog without gloves in this situation. So, on the one hand, if your dog occasionally kills a possum or other small animals, you shouldnt be too worried, especially if they have a naturally high prey drive it is just part of their nature. All rights reserved. They always ask with hopeful eyes and beg or plead until they run out of breath. They can also carry toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease, as well as transmit these diseases to your dog through direct contact or through contaminated food consumption. This can youre your dogs behaviour from escalating and prevent anyone from potentially getting hurt in the future. Understandably, people are concerned about this. Far from many peoples judgment, possums can be beneficial to your garden. Your dog should only try to outwit them once. Possums are usually docile creatures who avoid conflict and, as such, arent an immediate danger to dogs. A pitbull can kill a possum if it is properly trained and the possum is not too large. 15 Scariest Dog Breeds To Keep Intruders At Bay. Disclaimer: If your dog ate a possum or has been attacked, please always seek professional advice. It's hard to turn away kids who want to bring their friends home for a playdate. The chances of your dog contracting this infections are low on the condition that your dog is up to date with his yearly jabs. According to some studies, the opossum has no control over this paralyzed state, which is caused by a chemical reaction in the brain that temporarily paralyzes them for a few minutes to a few hours. It is not necessary to chastise or physically punish oposums. His dog was not an aggressive one, but one day he saw that his dog rushed into the woods and came out with a possum in his mouth. Then join our exclusive club! However, there is still a likelihood that a dog can contract rabies from a possum. This thread is archived . Despite the fact that dogs are not typically exposed to the lethal rabies virus, they can contract bacterial and protozoal diseases from opossums. Im Dolev, a passionate dog trainer and expert. Possums can still carry Rabies in rare instances. Hi, it looks like you did not include the information we require in the side bar. Possums are known for having a low body temperature in comparison to other mammals according to the Opossum Society, their average body temperature is between 94 and 97 degrees. Thank you for your prompt answer. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that she had a baby possum in her mouth. Even if the wound is only small, you should still take your dog to the vet as soon as possible for a check-up. If your dog didn't kill the possum and never bit it/contacted any bodily fluids, but found it dead and picked it up in his mouth, he shouldn't be adversely affected. Possums are frequently killed on the road as a result of drivers mistakenly believing they have died. Furthermore, they are vulnerable to ticks, fleas, mites, and lice. My dog killed a possum? You can teach "leave it" at home with treats (something you know your dog wants to put in his mouth). A lady who was known to be homeless (she would always be panhandling near the store) was found by security to be living in a cabinet on the second floor food court area. While the ability to play dead is an attempt to save their lives, it sadly also means that many possums are killed on the roads because drivers believe they have already died and so dont swerve to avoid them. You can fence your compound using a wire mesh, keep pet food in locked places, or use possum repellants. When a possum is hissing and foaming at the mouth, it can look just like symptoms of rabies. So, without any delay, lets dive in! Maybe the little growl was his version of please? That was where flies had 'blown" it. In the wild, kibble wasnt readily available for wolves, so they had to hunt and kill their own prey like birds, squirrels, rabbits, rodents and, indeed, possums. The vet will be able to treat the wounds and prescribe any antibiotics or painkillers if needed to help your dog along with their recovery. Toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease can also be transmitted to your dog by direct contact or by ingesting contaminated food; parasites and Protozoan Opossums can also cause toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, co. Because these animals are so close to one another, they may face a confrontation with a pet if they approach. This website is not intended to replace the professional advice of vets. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. Should I be worried? The bottom line is that serious diseases, such as rabies, are uncommon in possums. Should I Be Worried? Are Possums Afraid Of Dogs? If your dog has attacked a possum and its then gone into the dead state, the best option is to bring your dog away from the area and leave the possum to slowly come back to life in their own time. Germs and dirt must not get into the wound. Apparently the same scenario applies to dogs. Your dog will require immediate treatment if he is diagnosed with Rabies. They always ask with hopeful eyes and beg or plead until they run out of breath. Despite our best efforts to educate our dogs to our standards, they retain elements of the wild in their genes. Even if this isnt ideal, its not necessarily a bad thing for your dog to eat possums. I regularly write about how other animals and dogs interact. Theres nothing to be afraid of if your dog died as a result of eating a possum. If there is no threat of poisoning, your dog may become ill if he eats a dead opossum. Stress, high blood pressure, drinking, and heart pain are all topics that have increased by 33% in the last year. There have been several outbreaks of Leptospirosis in recent years. The chances of possums carrying a disease like rabies are so minimal that when combined with up to date vaccinations, the chance of your dog contracting that disease or any other one for that matter are next to impossible. If the possum is infected, it should be noted that pets who come into contact with the rabies virus are often euthanized to prevent the spread of the disease to their family members. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If an animal is threatened, it may play possum, show its teeth, or bite in self-defense; this is what any animal would do. Possum feces are also harmful to dogs as well. If your dog killed a possum, the highest possibility is that your dog started the fight. If you find possum bite marks on your dog and arent sure when they last had their rabies shot. You can also call your local animal control and follow their instructions for further help. Yet, it is important to note that whilst it is very unlikely for a possum to have rabies, it isnt impossible. You wont be able to find out who started the fight between your dog and another animal, as they usually only fight each other. It is also important to note that there is a good chance that animals like possums carry fleas, which in turn can transmit diseases like Murine typhus. If it is bleeding a lot then your dog may need medical attention immediately, as they may need stitches to close the wound. Your dogs veterinarian will be able to correctly assess his or her wounds, test them for any diseases, and give him or her pain relief. Cabrera.) So, keep this in mind before moving forward. Picture. Make sure that any leftover dog food is also removed once your dog has finished eating, as that also makes for a pretty tempting possum treat. If this happens, wear gloves before touching your dog or the possum. The wounds can be cleaned with warm water and hydrogen peroxide and then wrapped in antibiotics. You and your dog should first get away from the possum. Possums can also be carriers of diseases such as tuberculosis and coccidiosis. This is because you are not an expert, and you can miss some spots. Possums can be very shy and reclusive. Possums are thought to be less likely to become rabies infected than most other warm-blooded animals because their body temperature is much lower. My Dog Ate Dryer Sheets What Should I Do? In fact, some wounds require alternative therapy or any special medications. All dogs are descended from wild wolves. A possums mouth is pretty gnarly when it comes to bacteria. This will help the vet to determine whether emergency booster shots for illnesses like rabies are necessary. Elizabethan collars can cause many dogs to become disoriented and depressed. Its best to keep your dog and yourself away from it. My Dog Attacked a Possum What Should I Do? Its a health concern of your four-legged feline, and you will definitely not risk it, will you? A possum with a broken leg and bleeding may appear to be healthy. Somehow the opossum's body knows when the danger has . Heres a short answer, followed by more detail on the dangers of possums to dogs. "Poor possum was just vibing when your dog wanted to make a friend ," added @Subarutyler. Generally, dogs that eat possum poop wont have too many problems unless the dog becomes obsessed with hunting it out. My dog killed a possum? This is the best route. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Diseases Can My Dog Get From A Possum. These vaccinations will protect your dog from diseases like rabies, meaning that they may well save them from dying from the disease or having to be put to sleep as a result of it. This is the most secure way to go. It is no surprise to find your dog with a possum in his mouth especially if you have a greener compound where an opossum can find a snack. Although there are good reasons for this, the chances that your dog will contract Rabies from an opossum are very low. If the rabies shot is up to date, you wont have to worry about anything. Soon the dog gave up his hunting instinct and left the prey. Yet, it is important to note that whilst it is very unlikely for a possum to have rabies, it isnt impossible. Youve seen it happen almost every time you pet them or right in the middle of a cuddling session your dog yawning out of the blue. Since the possum might have been the aggressor and we have other pets in our neighborhood, I put the thing down, and it's still lying near where it fell. Possums generally do not stay in the same spot for very long. These vaccinations will protect your dog from diseases like rabies, meaning that they may well save them from dying from the disease or having to be put to sleep as a result of it. A quick but stern "leave it" after, Gavin had given up on his prey. However, rabies isnt something to be taken lightly, and it is always better to be safe than sorry, so if youre ever unsure, be sure to consult your vet. To avoid infection, you should immediately clean the wounds. Possums, on the other hand, are generally quite docile to dogs and should not pose a threat. Dont waste time, and dont put it inside of your freezer. In case if your dog has got wounds, they need to be taken care of as early as possible. Customer: my dog just attacked a possum in our back yard, there is small amt of blood on possums neck but it is still alive. The chances of your dog contracting rabies are low because possums are fearful and peaceful and only interact with animals of the same characters. I believe my dogs were outside when they came into contact with a possum, but no bites or blood was visible, nor were any of their mouths bloodied. In case if your dog has got wounds, they need to be taken care of as early as possible. First of all, you need to check for bites or scratch marks. But if you are still worried about rabies, you can test the possum whether it is negative or positive. read more. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the bite and the health of the dog. Well, the good news is that possums are usually pretty docile rather than dangerous to dogs. This is one of the biggest worries to dog owners when there is a fight between a dog and possum. Can A Possum Hurt A Small Dog? If you do, you should be aware that possums can carry diseases that can be fatal to you and your pet. Those are fly eggs. said @DankerBarrel. Focus on getting your dog and yourself away from the possum. I have been a pet care writer for over 5 years and have extensive knowledge of animal care, health, and behavior. If your dog is showing any signs of illness, it is important to contact your veterinarian right away. At first, the possum will most likely just stand still with their mouth agape at the dog. Having this information is very important for us to be able to give accurate advice. They, on the other hand, would benefit from some assistance in recovering from these injuries. Possums can carry plenty of other illness, but rabies is not one of them. If your dog had a possum in his mouth, you should not tense. Possums can carry various diseases such as coccidiosis, tuberculosis. The chance of your dog contracting rabies is slim, and providing your dog has been vaccinated, the risk of contracting disease from a possum is said to be slim. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. 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