No archive results to display.Please select Weekend or Daytime Series above to view broadcast archives. Turning Point for God is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A Regal Dinner and a Royal Divorce (Pt. .footer-main .img-worshipcast { Francis Schaeffer, And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God. Paul writes that we belong to God and we are to glorify Him with our care and use of our body. All Rights Reserved. You cannot become a Christian without the Bible. .third-party-logos { justify-content: center; Dr. David Jeremiah considers the common, but concerning, challenges faced by believers who wrestle with doubt. @media (max-width:400px) { Dr. David Jeremiah details Esthers late arrival in her story and how it demonstrates the perfect nature of Gods timing. Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point for God, an international broadcast ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. A Regal Dinner and a Royal Divorce (Pt. Dr. David Jeremiah considers what makes jealousy so dangerous, how it spreads, and how you can keep its destructive influence out of your life. Dr. David Jeremiah shares examples of each, along with . For as long as the Jewish people have existed, others have sought their destructioneven though God has consistently cursed all who come against them. Thats why its essential to keep it at bay. Now you can watch and listen to Dr. Jeremiah's messages offline and save your phone . With all the conflict around us and the spiritual warfare battling for our heart and mind, Turning Point will meet you where you stand and bring strength and reinforcements in your personal stand-off with your giants. Dr. David Jeremiah examines the issue through the eyes of the apostle Paul, who offered tools to help believers deal with this dangerous emotion. God could be using you right now to achieve His will, but you might not realize it until much later in hindsight. Usually it passes after a season. width: auto; Invite your family, friends, and community to join you and take part in this incredible event. Dr. David Jeremiah considers what makes jealousy so dangerous, how it spreads, and how you can keep its destructive influence out of your life. width: auto; Public speaking? Confession and repentance reveal the access to restoration. David serves as senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California, where he resides with his wife, Donna. We know that Abraham wasnt perfect. The God of grace loves to forgive. He is the author of more than fifty books including The Book of Signs, Forward, and Where Do We Go From Here? Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on this truth with a vivid example from Gods Word and shares practical tips for defeating resentment before it can cause damage in your life. But for some, failure is debilitating. Is it things above? Life is full of hardships and heaviness. The apostle Paul also considered it. One was an old copy of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Knowing our spiritual enemy is important and vital. Richard Sibbes, is part of the broadcast ministry of David Jeremiah. If youre prone to worry yourself to sleep each night, turn your thoughts upward and close your eyes thinking of heaven and its eternal throne. If at first you dont succeed, welcome to the human race. Hello golden streets, glorified bodies, endless days, and the fresh air of New Jerusalem! Satan? He was from a priestly family, and he undoubtedly looked forward to serving God in Jerusalems temple. Broadcast. Dr. David Jeremiah continues the story of Esther with a profile of Haman, the first biblical ruler who tried to exterminate the Jews. But how about a book titledThe Righteous Father? Be the first one to write a review. Get a sneak-peek into each new show plus daily featured articles, delivered straight to your inbox! Enjoy an incredible amount of inspiring content from Dr. Jeremiah in our fully optimized and easy-to-use app available on your Apple or Android mobile device, Roku, Samsung TV, and LG TV. Dr. David Jeremiah shares examples of each, along with biblical tools for handling those nagging questions youve been struggling with. But they all depend on one decision. Everybody has felt the sting of loneliness. Worrying is an instinctive part of human naturesuch a natural response to troubledo you sometimes wonder why Christ so clearly condemned it? But its killing us. If youre ready for a promise from Gods Word to help you turn from temptation before you fall into sin, keep listening. Temptation is not sin; yielding to temptation is. Its the most common response to uncertainty, but its the least productive way to handle it. Dr. David Jeremiah shares examples of each, along with . Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at anger: how to release its hold on you, when its okay for Christians to get angry, and when it isnt. Discouragement might be whispering, Quit. But Gods Word boldly drowns-out that whisper with five reasons to keep pressing on! But the good news is: so is God! Turning Point and Dr. David Jeremiah will never contact you privately through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other digital . Help Center, Return Policy | Slaying the Giant of Procrastination (Pt. Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point for God, an international broadcast ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. What Is Your Area of Weakness? Books Written Thats what living with guilt is like: relentless, backbreaking anguish until your burden is lifted. Its a lot like resentment, as well learn with Dr. David Jeremiah. Dr. David Jeremiah considers the common, but concerning, challenges faced by believers who wrestle with doubt. We might think that, if Jesus was truly divine, He would have had no need to pray for knowledge, guidance, or help. 2 Corinthians 4:7-18. With false humility? Have you noticed how quickly a disagreement can erupt into a shouting matchor worseeven among Christians? Introducing TurningPoint+, the next step in our digital ministry! Is doubt different than unbelief? Deepen your relationship and strengthen your faith as you request this special pack today! Biography Thats why its essential to keep it at bay. Friendship is the marriage of affections. Whats the most dangerous word in the Bible? To think our temptation is unique is to believe a lie. Watch past episodes of Turning Point Television and find out what is coming up next! We can know God exists through his Creation but we cannot know how to know God unless God reveals himself to us and in the Bible he has done just. Dr. David Jeremiah looks at temptation. Listen to past episodes of Turning Point Radio and find out what is coming up next! Priests began their temple duty at the age of thirty. Biography A Regal Dinner and a Royal Divorce, Part 1, Slaying the Giant of Procrastination, Part 2, Slaying the Giant of Procrastination, Part 1, Turning Point's Mission: Delivering the Unchanging Word of God to an Ever-Changing World. Thankfully, God isnt subject to such conventions. Dr. David Jeremiah shares that theres more than one kind of loneliness and offers examples from Gods Word. Snakes? If youve ever wondered if anything could come between God and His love for you, youre in good company. All your favorites from new and archived tap-to-listen radio broadcasts, ready-to-watch television series, uplifting daily devotionals . This refreshing week will bring us face-to-face with some of the most impressive wonders of Gods creation, like the awe-inspiring Glacier Bay or the mountains of Stephens Passage. Slaying the Giant of Procrastination (Pt. . About Dr. David Jeremiah. Strong faith is a vital element of the armor of God; it is the shield by which we extinguish the fiery arrows the devil sends flying at us throughout our lives. Citizens lined the streets applauding while the aroma of celebratory incense filled the air. Thats what living with guilt is like: relentless, backbreaking anguish until your burden is lifted. About Us Slaying the Giant of Procrastination (Pt. Discouragement might be whispering, Quit. But Gods Word boldly drowns-out that whisper with five reasons to keep pressing on! Dr. David Jeremiah details Esthers late arrival in her story and how it demonstrates the perfect nature of Gods timing. The Final ProphecyThe Triumph of the Gospel. Clearly, prophecy is important to God. Sound familiar? In addition to your newsletter(s), you will receive email updates and special offers from Probably most of us. Watch past episodes of Turning Point Television and find out what is coming up next! } Perhaps little is more heartbreaking in the Christians life than to watch a fellow believer abandon the faith. Prayer and a holy life are one. Help Center, Return Policy | D. L. Moody, In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. Is anger always a sin? If youve ever wondered if anything could come between God and His love for you, youre in good company. Copyright 2000 - 2023 Dr. David Jeremiah | Turning Point for God. W. A. Criswell, Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you. Sin? Recently redesigned, the Turning Point app is one of the best ways to connect with the ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah. If you need some heavenly help to keep standing strong, stay tuned. } Turning Point for God of Canada is a registered charity pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act (Canada) under No. But left unchecked, well as Dr. David Jeremiah explains, fear can become overwhelming, even paralyzing. Dr. David Jeremiah unpacks those tools which can help you escape isolation and experience the fullness of life in fellowship with God and His people. The creation is both a monument of Gods power, and a looking-glass in which we may see his wisdom. Learn more about topics such as irony and despair, human choices and Gods sovereignty, and many more when you request this valuable study tool today. Where do we go from here? But procrastinating on spiritual matters could have far more eternal consequences. .footer-main .third-party-logos img { How do we survive this environment of growing hostility? Published in David Jeremiah. During difficult times, the hope of eternity gives us strength. No archive results to display.Please select Weekend or Daytime Series above to view broadcast archives. No schedule results to display.Please select Weekend or Daytime Series above to view the schedule of upcoming broadcasts. He healed the mans paralysis. When Gods mandates go unfulfilled on earth, Gods glory is diminished. The Christians victory is through Christ. But that is what forgiving someone meansrestoring relationships to the status they enjoyed before the offense took place. height: 58px; If at first you dont succeed, welcome to the human race. Believers arent immune from loneliness. As Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20, the life we now live is the life of Christ in us as we keep our faith in Him. But its killing us. Is it the opposite of pride? She was a woman with a tragic background and a dangerous secret that could cost her life and her familys. Dwight L. Moody, The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Thankfully, God isnt subject to such conventions. Gods prophetic plan for Israel was fulfilled in 1948. About Dr. David Jeremiah. How can we remain steadfast in our faith and avoid the pressures of this ever-changing world? Legal Disclaimer & Conditions | Hello Jesus! Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at a few of those things as he wraps up his series, God Loves You: He Always Has He Always Will. Perhaps no piece of land has been as revered, disputed, or disrupted as Jerusalem. Speaking Schedule But left unchecked, well as Dr. David Jeremiah explains, fear can become overwhelming, even paralyzing. Discouragement might be whispering, Quit. But Gods Word boldly drowns-out that whisper with five reasons to keep pressing on! Copyright 2000 - 2023 Dr. David Jeremiah | Turning Point for God. But with Jonah, the second time was because Jonah had failed to speak Gods word the first time. But there are right and wrong ways to deal with doubt. float: none; Many countries coastlines are littered with plastic and debris, and there is an island of plastic more than the twice the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean where currents have accumulated the debris. If you sometimes struggle with doubt in your spiritual life, do you wonder if it means your faith is weak? But don't be fooled - jealousy is a fiercely destructive emotion. Then you and King David have something in common. Each broadcast is archived the day it airs, and the ten most recent broadcasts from both our weekend and weekday programming are available for online streaming. No schedule results to display.Please select Weekend or Daytime Series above to view the schedule of upcoming broadcasts. About Dr. David Jeremiah. Why do some people bounce back immediately from failure, while for others failure seems to spiral like a destructive force through their entire lives? Dr. David Jeremiah offers some biblical insight, sharing some practical ways to keep your failings from giving the enemy a foothold in your life. Psalm 119:162. 00:00 26:00. United States P.O. Like never before, we are on edge. Yet Dr. David Jeremiah explains how the story of Esther is one of the most powerful proofs of what God can do in a life thats yielded to Him. The apostle Paul addressed that question in 1 Corinthians 10:11"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition." Governance Information | The patriarch Isaac could have written that book about his father, Abraham. For as long as the Jewish people have existed, others have sought their destructioneven though God has consistently cursed all who come against them. In his vision of the future, the apostle John saw that new heaven and a new earth, our new domain being pictured as the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God (Revelation 21:1-2). If you need some heavenly help to keep standing strong, stay tuned. David Jeremiah - Turning Point at Madison Square Garden - Part 2. display: flex; A tent or a cottage, why should I care? The first, the First Council of Nicaea, met to agree on the nature of Jesus of Nazareth as both Son of God and Son of Man, as both fully divine and fully human. About Dr. David Jeremiah. Fear is a natural instinctpart of Gods design for you. Anxiety makes its presence known when we try to resolve issues on our own. Miss an episode, want to revisit a favorite message, or need to search for a specific biblical topic? The hardest part of forgiving another person isacting like the offense never occurred. float: none; But well soon put aside the tent of our earthly body, and what a relief! # New Year. About Us Purchase. Or is it because youre unwilling? He is the author of more than fifty books including The Book of Signs, Forward, and Where Do We Go From Here? Now, similar visions and policies are invading the United States. But the good news is: so is God! If you sometimes struggle with doubt in your spiritual life, do you wonder if it means your faith is weak? There is always a righteous choice to be made if we are willing to seek it. } When you think about it, every day you accomplish some pretty remarkable things for one simple reason: God loves you! Instead of being summoned to join his father and brothers when they met with Samuel, he was left in the field tending sheep. Someone had used a knife to cut a hole in the middle of the book. Or is it things below? Never walk alone or in weakness again and stand every day, prepared for battle. Though mankind was given the mandate to have dominion over (that is, to care for) all of creation, we have not done a good job. God commissioned Jonah to go east to Assyria, to the capital of Nineveh and deliver a message of judgment. Understanding that God loves you is an important part of growing as a believer, impacting how you relate to others, how you think, and how you live. Fear is a natural instinctpart of Gods design for you. When you think about it, every day you accomplish some pretty remarkable things for one simple reason: God loves you! We would not know how to know God without the Bible. Dr. David Jeremiah examines the damaging and long-lasting effects of guilt thats allowed to go unresolved. Dr. David Jeremiah offers some biblical insight, sharing some practical ways to keep your failings from giving the enemy a foothold in your life. Dr. David Jeremiah explains how to do exactly that! Employment & Volunteer Opportunities. Forgiveness is to be set loose from sins. Dr. David Jeremiah shares examples of each, along with biblical tools for handling those nagging questions youve been struggling with. His omnipresence encircles us (verses 7-12). A cashless society. Overcomer Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah. Employment & Volunteer Opportunities. Or is it because youre unwilling? Genesis 1:28. Listen to Turning Point on Amazon Echo and Google Home,, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The Turning Point App. Make sure Christ is at the center of your life and that your love for Him eclipses everything else! Are you still holding onto anger from things that happened years ago? Public speaking? margin: 0; Dr. David Jeremiah turns to Romans eight to examine Pauls list of potential obstacles, and shares why every item on it fails to separate you from Gods love. Now you dont even notice it. What are you afraid of? It entices us with sweet promises, only to leave us unfulfilled and ashamed. Despair. Now you dont even notice it. You are invited to Dr. Jeremiah for seven exciting days at sea, experiencing the wonders of Alaska. What other events illustrate the prophetic times we live in? If youre ready for a promise from Gods Word to help you turn from temptation before you fall into sin, keep listening. Legal Disclaimer & Conditions | 1). To first-century leaders in the Roman world, the imagery was familiar: A victorious Roman general returning from battle leading his soldiers and their captives into the city. Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule includes health plans, providers and rates , A Regal Dinner and a Royal Divorce (Pt. Or soberly and realistically according to the grace of God in your life? Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. That is why we are committed here at Turning Point to presenting sound teaching on prophecythis month on television and with a vast library of resources. Dr. David Jeremiah opens Gods Word for more practical tools and proven wisdom for keeping yourself out of the clutches of temptation. Ezekiel 1:1, NIV, We often need fresh starts after enduring bitter disappointments. Legal Disclaimer & Conditions | As our lives center on God, giving priority to hearing His voice and reading His Word, we become bolder in sharing our faith. Your donation gift(s) are appreciated and are tax deductible in Canada. Officially, church historians recognize seven ecumenical church councils held between A.D. 325 and A.D. 787. Biography Dont let your past keep you from trusting God for a second (or third, or fourth) chance. Actually, the most dangerous word might be tomorrow, because its kept so many from coming to Christ. No archive results to display.Please select Weekend or Daytime Series above to view broadcast archives. You just need to get started, and we want to help. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, A Prayer for Our Nation Dr. David Jeremiah.mp3, BELIEVE Get Your Mind Right Dr. David Jeremiah.mp3, CELEBRATE: Turn Your Forward into Forever | Dr. David Jeremiah, FINISH You're Not Done Until You're DoneDr. If Jesus, the Son of God, needed to go to His Father in prayer for strengthening and guidance, how much more do we (Psalm 32:6)? When he failed to confess his sin to God, his bones grew old and he groaned all the day long (verse 3). It entices us with promises, then leaves us unfulfilled and ashamed. When you think about it, every day you accomplish some pretty remarkable things for one simple reason: God loves you! Understanding that God loves you is an important part of growing as a believer, impacting how you relate to others, how you think, and how you live. Have you ever felt burdened by guilt when you got away with some kind of wrongdoing? God's Word contains the answer to resisting temptation before it's too late. Copyright 2000 - 2023 Dr. David Jeremiah | Turning Point for God. Daily Doxology: Why Its Important to Praise God in Hard Times, Bountiful Feast: What to Do With the Abundance God Gives. If you wear a wristwatch or a wedding ring, remember how strange it felt the first few times you put it on? But dont be fooled jealousy is a fiercely destructive emotion. Slaying the Giant of Discouragement (Pt. Could any father set a more worthy example to his children or grandchildren than that of being friends with God? Peter wrote his final letter shortly before his execution. Oh, to see the glory of the Lord while in the midst of the disappointments in life. .footer-main .img-fundraising-regulator { But left unchecked, well as Dr. David Jeremiah explains, fear can become overwhelming, even paralyzing. Dr. David Jeremiah shares that theres more than one kind of loneliness and offers examples from Gods Word. David Jeremiah looks at failure through the lens of God's Word. Employment & Volunteer Opportunities. Its not just bowing down to a small carved statue or a pagan worshiper offering incense at a shrine to Buddha. 2), Turning Point is the Broadcast Ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah. Sometimes loneliness can be crippling. Dr. David Jeremiah continues the story of Esther with a profile of Haman, the first biblical ruler who tried to exterminate the Jews. about Daily Doxology: Why Its Important to Praise God in Hard Times, about Bountiful Feast: What to Do With the Abundance God Gives, Biblical Guidelines for Christian Meditation, 10 Encouraging Verses and Devotionals About the Second Coming of Christ, Dont Be Afraid: Getting Rid of Crippling Fear, Favor and Power: Why Its Important to Be Filled With the Spirit. align-items: center; He is the author of more than fifty books including The Book of Signs . How do you view yourself? Each broadcast is archived the day it airs, and the 31 most recent broadcasts are available for online streaming. Writers are taught never to introduce a new character late in the storyespecially not the title character. Imagine forcing yourself to carry a heavy load all day, every day. Biography They told the king they would not divide their allegiance, that they would maintain their faith in God and His promises. Becoming a Christian does not mean our trouble ends. Our world is changing and not for the better. In todays culture, it seems temptation is everywhere. You'll be filled with joy and hope as you participate in what is sure to be a powerful worship experience. Join us as we learn to navigate the crazy and chaotic times we are living through. And the worst part is: we keep on falling for it. Thats the way He cares for us tooevery day, all year long, always. All your favorites from new and archived tap-to-listen radio broadcasts, ready-to-watch television series, uplifting daily devotionals . If you need some heavenly help to keep standing strong, stay tuned. Dr. David Jeremiah continues the story of Esther with a profile of Haman, the first biblical ruler who tried to exterminate the Jews. Employment & Volunteer Opportunities. You know the storyJonah ended up in the sea where he was swallowed by a great fish. Join Dr. Jeremiah over the next few months and learn to slay the giants in your life, overcome your enemies, and stand firm on the promises of God so you can live the life of joy, hope, and victory that God desires for His children. There are no "new" temptations in life. Christian Kryptonite? Tools and proven wisdom for keeping yourself out of the Lord while in the storyespecially not the title character with. By guilt when you think about it, every day, all long... 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