The tree suddenly looked like a ghost. The plant is especially popular in the Indian subcontinent and in Central America and Mexico and is a common ingredient in the cuisine of those regions. Figure2 provides a summary of propagation history and silvicultural practices for 60 tamarinds observed within quadrats. Never keep dead or dying plants at home. (Chapter 1). Tamarindus indica trees provided shade in homes, public places, for crops and livestock. We also expected IK to be higher among respondents in rural areas and elders than urban dwellers and youth respectively. Omissions? Bolder thinking for conservation. Find Related Places. CAS If you pick one up from the ground make sure the shell is not cracked. The most commonly used tamarind part was the fruit (100%). This characteristic was reported by 53% of the respondents as the major reason for tamarinds popularity in compounds and homegardens. Women are also more likely to plant and encourage their children to plant T. indica if knowledgeable about its nutritional and economic benefits. By using this website, you agree to our Esther Ebifa-Othieno. Our campus uses open hardware as well as open learning tools and other OERs. Unable to make any movement, his closest friend shouted, Manu, be careful!, He walked as calmly as possible. Accessed 14 Dec 2008. Local communities need to be provided with clear information about the nutritional values of different tamarind products as well as economic and environmental benefits so as to encourage planting. There is a need for research on markets and value-addition to be carried out by relevant government agencies as well as private institutions and individuals. But very few of us know about the plants that should NOT be kept in a house, because vedic sciences and even Feng Shui consider them to bring negative energy. Nobody sees them. Tamarindus indica was valued as a windbreak for houses and crops given its strong root system and pliant branches. A few of the largest tamarind trees in the U.S. Virgin Islands are thought to be 300+ years old. Fruit pulp was the most commonly used tamarind product. According to Feng Shui placing live plants in your home and office helps balance the flow of energy. Their heart beat fast. The tree grows to about 24 metres (80 feet) tall and bears alternate, pinnately compound (feather-formed) leaves with leaflets that are about 2 cm (0.75 inch) long. . Afr J Ecol. Ghosts only attack people who turn around. Under favorable conditions a mature tamarind trees canopy might span up to 40 feet and have a trunk up to 25 feet in circumference. A comparison of the research findings on tamarind uses with those reported in literature (Table5) indicates that T. indica is largely underutilised in the study area. Americas National Research Council. Tamarind fruit beverage was also commonly given to rejuvenate those returning from war. All rights reserved. He climbed down from his branch. The tree's wood can be used for woodworking and tamarind seed oil can be extracted from the seeds. And its arms stretched longer as he stared. Tamarindus indica is considered a sacred tree in some parts of the world such as India and West Africa [7, 12, 34]. Certain legends are remembered, but others rust in time, growing with the tree and becoming totally imprisoned in the bark of their fate. Driving Directions to Fort Lauderdale, FL including road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local businesses along the way. Tamarind. It was a horrible clatter, enough to wake all the corpses in the cemetery. Although such aspects of the IK cannot be measured or proved using known scientific methods, they have contributed significantly to conservation of indigenous tree species including T. indica. Your support is crucial: India needs independent media and independent media needs you. Expanded edition 20052006. DJK participated in write up. He looked for it everywhere. Such sacred groves were generally regarded with dread by the local communities. Were afraid. Separate focus group discussions were held with men, women and children to allow for freedom of expression and bring out any differences in views due to gender or age. Why this stupid bet? What? Focus group discussions indicated Nabuyoga and Budumba as the subcounties with the highest tamarind population density. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. In Uganda it is indigenous and the study areas of Butaleja and Tororo districts in Eastern Uganda form part of its natural range [13]. Tamarind fruit pulp is found in the pea-like pods (up to 15cm long by 2.5cm across) surrounding one to twelve seeds. All authors read and approved the manuscript. Creative Resources Systems; 1987 p. 11521. Some African tribes hold the tamarind tree to be sacred and there is a superstition that it is harmful to sleep or to tie a horse beneath one. 1996;13:522525. Tamarind fruit was sold by both men and women. The tamarind tree is native to Asia and Africa, but it also grows in tropical climates around the world. His tree was still far off. The branch of the departed person is inevitably cut down. Tamarindus indica was highly valued by the majority of the population. 2008. But what was he to do in the meantime? Im alone in this cemetery! And what if its true? Inside the pulp should be a light smooth brownish color. One by one, he remembered all those legends. Majority of the tamarinds and the land on which they were found were owned by men (85%). There are no ghosts. She is a PhD student at Makerere University. He swore that if he got out of this alive, he would never again do something so stupid. We lost the bet. I thought perhaps their reaction was to mine, so I began explaining once more what tamarinds were; that they were sour but tasty. After all, they have a right to exist, too, and a right to space and peace. The relevance of IK is further illustrated by the traditional practice of feeding tamarind fruit pulp to pregnant women and warriors to boost health and recovery. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Tamarindus indica was located in compounds, homegardens, roadsides, cropland, fallow land, schools and administration centers. There is need to increase overall tree conservation efforts since T. indica grows together with other tree species. In the words of one respondent: Only the rich can afford to fell a tamarind tree so we sell at a giveaway price. Tamarind is a tropical fruit that's widely used in Southeast Asian and Caribbean cuisines. Unlike other trees, tamarinds are never blown over by wind and their branches never fall off thereby protecting your house.. TOTAL SURRENDER TO THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD, THE PRACTICE OF YOGA IN SRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA, Make The Divine Love, the goal of Your life, Main Beliefs of Hinduism, Sikhism & Buddhism, IMPORTANCE & RELEVANCE OF NAVRATRI (NAV-DURGA) MANTRAS, COLOURS & HERBS. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. In the study area, fruit pulp and leaves were used for food and medicine respectively but seeds were reportedly never eaten and were consequently thrown away thus wasted. Only one key informant was selected per subcounty. Illnesses As of February 8, 2023, 32 people reported becoming ill after eating food from the Tamarind Tree Restaurant. It is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible fruit, the sweet and sour pulp of which is extensively used in foods, beverages, and traditional medicines. We appreciate your anticipation of our new vision. 2008;62:2439. 2010;365(1554):291326. The leaves have also been used in dying processes and fruit mixtures for cleaning silver and cooper. Service was scattered but we were forewarned and didn't mind waiting for the delicious dishes . Alternatively the concentrate was diluted to make a cool refreshing beverage popular with all age groups. Is it because the tamarind provides fruits essential for cooking? That IK and uses in the study area concurred with scientifically proven nutritional and medicinal attributes of T. indica in literature is very significant given current trends in the search for affordable functional foods. An eternity passed before he came to the foot of the tree. PN participated in designing the study and write up. The high level of IK has not translated into high rates of planting T. indica. Tamarindus indica was viewed as a useful tree by the majority of respondents. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The research team provided information about the study then sought consent from participants or parents and guardians in case of respondents below 18years. He picked his courage back up, and his nail too. I feel them. But their fear left them completely frozen. Wait wasn't terrible but could be. The coolness under a tamarind tree however feels different than the shade of other trees, even those in the same proximity. Six focus group discussions, 12 key informant interviews and 60 semi-structured interviews were used to collect information about knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices [2023] with regard to T. indica. Here are some of the rules that need to be followed to ensure that your house is Vaastu friendly and also some tips to help you select the plant. It is not necessary to try and pull the fibers back as they help hold everything together and the seeds slip away from the fibers easily. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. In: Parrotta JA, Trosper RL, editors. Often there are some fallen beneath the tree. Advertisement. AM participated in write up. So the story goes at least. The majority of respondents viewed T. indica as a valuable resource. Morton JF. Oral informed consent/assent was obtained before participation. If in doubt, you can purchase some from a roadside vendor. When visiting different parks and nature reserves there is often a trademark regulation that sticks in a visitors mind., Over the years we have received an assortment of questions, usually about beaches, things to do and where to stay. Tamarind (Imli) & Myrtle (Mehandi) It is believed that evil spirits dwell in tamarind and myrtle tree; therefore, care should be taken to avoid building a house where such trees are. Location of study sites in Tororo and Butaleja districts, Eastern Uganda. Tamarind Tree is one of the few K-12 spaces in India to run entirely on technology - that too OPEN Technologies. According to popular belief, both are home to spirits and ghosts. Overflowing plates of fresh herbs and plenty of dipping sauces. A final surge of bravado chased away all caution. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012. p. 136. These 32 people ate at this restaurant January 14 - 17, 2023, and started having symptoms January 17 - 20, 2022. He had only one thought: Hammer this damn nail and get back! 2026 Eller Dr Hollywood FL 33316 (877) 932-4259. Ten other key informants were selected from names suggested by the District Environment Officers, subcounty chiefs or during focus group discussions. Bharucha Z, Pretty J. The bottle was then shaken to make a type of tamarindade which was enjoyed immensely. If ghosts really did exist! They were sorry they had let him go. The communities food and medicinal uses concurred with scientific reports of health benefits of consuming T. indica. Fifty three percent of those who were growing T. indica did not carry out any silvicultural practices. Yummy. World Forest Series vol 12. It lies at an altitude of between 1097 and 1219m above sea level [16]. Corrections? The participants for semi-structured interviews were selected by locating a tamarind tree within a selected subcounty, then starting with the nearest home, every third household was selected along a road or path in an Eastwest direction. Interviews revealed that during funerals, meals were prepared under tamarind trees since they are usually free from parasites. Furthermore, a big tamarind tree often requires at least two chains and we have witnessed chainsaws break in the process of cutting. Thorny trees including Babul can create disputes at home. The pulp is also used in traditional medicine and as a metal polish. The souls of those who die in Kashi go directly to heaven. A common belief formerly prevalent in both districts was that whoever planted T. indica would die before tasting its fruit. All the respondents mentioned that they made a popular beverage from T. indica fruit pulp (Table3). Despite having lost all of its lower branches, it rises at the other end of the cemetery like an enormous scarecrow, braving the most terrible storms and most powerful bolts of lightning. Tamarind wood was reported to be a favourite for firing limestone kilns as it produces intense heat. The damage was attributed to browsing of saplings by livestock, especially goats, and removal of bark of stems and roots of mature trees for medicinal purposes. Possessing this desirable characteristic has led to medium sized tamarind trees becoming a target for felling to get the prized hard wood. Ebifa E. Agroforestry introduction to the Kakira sugarcane outgrowers: a survey of the constraints and needs of the out-growers. Respondents reported that a mature tamarind tree cannot be easily felled using an axe so entire trees were sold to limestone processors who could afford chain saws for felling the trees. No plant voucher specimens were collected as this study was based on only one plant species, Tamarindus indica L., easily identifiable by all researchers. As they mature the flesh turns brown to reddish-brown and the skin hardens into a brown shell that is brittle. statement and Had he really hammered it in? The bark was most often accessed from the ground. Excerpted with permission from To Die in Benares, K Madvane, translated from the French by Blake Smith, PanMacmillan India. Admitting youre afraid? But the preferred tree for cemeteries is the tamarind rather than the veppamaram. He forced himself to look forward. Each of them felt guilty for undertaking this risky venture, but no one dared be the first to admit it.They kept walking. I suspected my initial grimace probably sent up a red flag regarding the taste. Tamarindus indica was found both in the wild and on cultivated land. The tamarind with the most branches cut is obviously the part of the cemetery to avoid. 1993;18:7789. Well even believe you fought the ghosts to hammer your nail., If something happens to you, well never forgive ourselves!, Dont wait for your nail to go all the way in!. Proximate and mineral composition of Tamarindus indica Linn 1753 seeds. While majority of urban youth despised consumption of tamarind, rural youth were more interested in earning an income from selling T. indica products. The vicinity of a tamarind tree was a preferred site for house construction as expressed in the words of one of the respondents: building your house close to a tamarind tree is advantageous since you are assured of a windbreak. As far as he could see, a vast area of darkness greeted him coldly. No one dares sit in its shade. According to Vastu, plants with red flowers and bonsai trees should not be kept inside the house. This is a reflection of competing landuses especially in urban areas. Fountain Publishers. Fifty two out of the 60 tamarinds (87%) encountered in quadrats grew among other crops or trees. Cassava was the most common crop found growing with T. indica. It is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible fruit, the sweet and sour pulp of which is extensively used in foods, beverages, and traditional medicines. Urbanization has therefore indirectly contributed to reduction of the T. indica population. Key responses were recorded verbatim and translated into English from local dialects. Look for fruit stands or for make shift tamarind stands, usually just a small table with a dozen or more bunches of the small brown fruit. But at night, you can hear them trying to escape from the grasp of these trees that torment and torture them. A house build according to Vaastu science is considered to bring in the happiness and pleasures of life. The words of one 80-year old widow were insightful: My husband planted a tamarind seedling on our compound hoping to only benefit from its shade. Restaurants. Tall trees, if present in the East or North-East direction of the house, emanate negative energy. 2007;2(1). Srimad Bhagwad-Gita says the final verses. The whole tree was shaking under him. California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. (CRFG).Tamarind. 2013;2(3):15564. Applying gentle pressure will cause the shell to crack. Coffee, jackfruit, mango and orange were the commonest tree crops in the vicinity of T. indica. Accessed 8 June 2011. On that day, the nail will fall from the tree, freeing his soul from its ties to the world. Fandohan AB, Assogbadjo AE, Sinsin B. Endogenous Knowledge on Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in Nothern Benin. International Centre for Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK; 2000. The study aimed at assessing the influence of IK, attitudes and practices on the use and conservation of T. indica. 2) To assess how knowledge, attitudes and practices have influenced T. indica conservation. Regional Soil Conservation Unit. Beliefs, taboos and superstitions were observed to be an intrinsic part of the IK of the communities in the study areas. Even dry flowers are considered bad luck. MSc Dissertation, Makerere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources; 1998. Conserv Biol. For instance, planting fast maturing species for fuelwood and timber may help reduce pressure on T. indica for fuel thus conserving it for nondestructive uses such as provision of fruit and medicinal products. Sugar or honey was often added to enhance taste. Local Superstition & Beliefs A large tamarind tree provides ample shade beneath its branches. 1997. You could hear them breathing. Technical handbook 10. If I go, will the ghosts let me leave in peace?I never thought that climbing up a tree could be so hard. Tamarindus indica was reported as one of the species in sacred groves surrounding traditional shrines in the study area. According to popular belief, both are home to spirits and ghosts. Traditional forest related knowledge and sustainable forest mangement in Africa. Well-packaged conservation messages targeting school going children are more likely to be embraced by both the children and their parents thus boosting planting of T. indica. Tamarindus indica was used for food, medicinal, cultural, social, environmental amelioration and income generation purposes. Quantitative data were processed using MS Excel computer programme. Efforts aimed at food security need to be aligned with environmental conservation to reinforce each other for effectiveness and maximum benefit to local communities. Tamarind fruit was eaten as snack by almost all the respondents (98.33% citation). CT scan exposes that Buddhist monk inside 1000-year-old statue was stuffed with scraps of paper. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Gadgil M, Berkes F, Folke C. Indigenous knowledge for biodiversity conservation. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethical Review Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University. More. Ill nail it through the highest branch.And at midnight! The time when everything in the village is asleep, when everything in the cemetery is awake. You won. Article Its not wise, his friends suggested, moved in spite of themselves by the mournful atmosphere of the cemetery, unfolding before them like a white carpet dotted with silvery folds. But when he tried to start again, he couldnt find his nail. You could hear them running. Or do I turn around and run back to my friends? The chequered history of a dangerous dal eaten by the poor across India, How a new book on the role of Buddhism in shaping modern Indian history came to be, What a string of deaths in one jail says about the state of Jammu and Kashmirs prisons, Watch: Two giant monitor lizards caught on camera wrestling by a lake on IIM Calcutta campus, IND vs AUS, Indore Test: Rathour Its a one-off wicket, curators hardly got time to prepare it, Times Now, Zee News told to take down reports about PFI protest, population rise, Caged parrot v2: How Modi government has weaponised the CBI to target the Opposition, Debating whether Tamil Nadus Keeladi is Harappan or pre-Harappan is pointless, says archaeologist, How climate change helped spread a disease that killed more than 1.5 lakh cows in India, This new anthology features Bengali writers who wrote about man-made and supernatural spectres, Shyamal/WIkimedia Commons [Licensed under CC-by-SA 4.0]. Its too easy that way. [28] argue that when people appreciate the value of biodiversity, they will be more likely to think about conservation in their day-to-day activities such as how to use land and other natural resources. Large menu, many choices. Tamarind trees grow in tropical areas around the world. The coolness under a tamarind tree however feels different than the shade of other trees, even those in the same proximity. The tree however can live another 150+ years. Who will go after him? No one had the courage to follow him. These findings concur with Banana et al. Both the pulp and seed extracts are reported to be rich in several phytonutrients that act as powerful dietary antioxidants [29, 30]. Tamarind trees have stout trunks and spreading canopies . This is in agreement with Shapi et al. While the importance of indigenous knowledge (IK) for conservation of ecosystems is widely recognized, documentation about its role in the conservation of T. indica in Uganda is very scanty. The tamarind tree produces 'a natural air conditioning'. Let us know. Int J Poultry Sci. Tamarind grows into a large evergreen tree, 2030m tall [9, 10]. They froze together. Why doesnt he go faster? The leaves, beans, bark, and wood of the tamarind tree have a wide variety of uses. Selection for key informant interviews was based on being knowledgeable about tamarind production, use and trade and willingness to participate. The yellow flowers are borne in small clusters. Poverty is rampant [17]. Shapi M, Cheikhyoussef A, Mumbengegwi DR, Matengu K, Van Kent A, Sifani J. Evolution of data collection methods for indigenous knowledge systems at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre of the University of Namibia. Or are they waiting for something else?What?Lets hammer that damn nail and get out!. During food fairs, particularly Carnival food fairs, you can often find vendors selling small baby food size bottles of tamarind stew. Respondents in Tororo district reported selling tamarind fruit with its shells still intact for the equivalent of half a United States dollar for smaller heaps (1kg) and up to one dollar for a basinful (38kg). Website. Mature fruit look like a beanlike pod; the pod has bulged areas and a slight curve. We accept it. I had already picked several so I took one, cracked it open and ate a piece. He approached the tree. Planning your vacation to St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. John and Water Island will be a lot easier with this great packet of magazines and booklets. We hypothesized that the indigenous people of Eastern Uganda have used T. indica for generations and developed practices that promote its conservation and therefore we expected that they possess an elaborate indigenous knowledge (IK) system and that most of them have planted the species. To plant and encourage their children to plant T. indica products afford to fell tamarind. Something else? what? 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Engine Management Light Nissan Juke, Articles T