We all know way too many horrible things that a human being can do to another when egoism meets with cold blood. The Human Design Collective is an inspirational and educational community for those wishing to go deeper into understanding and living Human Design, facilitated by experienced guides. It is something we grow into over time. Do you know how its hard to make the right choice when it comes to what to do in life? You may also like Incarnation Crosses by Profile I: The Quarter of Initiation Quarter 1: Purpose fulfilled through the Mind. The Incarnation Cross of Service Click on any of this Crosses leading Gene Keys (Human Design Gates) to dive deeper! That is why what is seen as good behavior in a man can be seen as bad for women. When we activate all the gates of this Quarter we see that there would be no definition in the bodygraph and that all 11 Throat gates are present. I certainly was. Be selective about who you allow into your life. And this is not for a single reason. The foundation here is set by the most Yin hexagram of all, the Gate of the Direction of the Self, the Receptivetherefore it is Yin over Yin. latest offers? It is supported and refined by the major cycles we go through in life. This material was presented in Ibiza during October 2003. 9 Week Online Course Coming in 2022 Quarter of Civilization Crosses by Gate. Look at the Mandala below, find the quarter your Personality Sun is in. People who are carriers of any of these two gates in their individual imprinting are responsible to maintain the individual spirit empowered within the bond. The Rave BodyGraph and Rave Mandala are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Media Pte. Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation - Human.Design Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation Home / Audios If you were born in the Quarter of Civilisation your life will have a theme of 'Purpose fulfilled through Form'.This means living your life by experiencing uniquely through your body. The oldest of us was barely born a 100 years ago. Human Design Mandala Quarter of Civilization - purpose fulfilled through Form. I do not think that I need to go much into how the whole history of all civilizations is a history of violence and destruction, but rather I would like to explain why it could have never been much different from how it is today. Design System. Copyright protected 2004 - 2023 . In establishing a conscious relationship with yourself, you stop looking for ways to fit into homogenized bonds with others. And this is certainly the cause of so much of the resentment that is at the root of the inability of men and women to communicate with each other as equals. Strategy and Authority are tools based on energy mechanics that help us to align with the natural movement of our bodies through space and time. Design System. Midway between each Sphinx and Four Ways is a Transcendent Love gate which set the frequency of how we are empowered to be love through sharing our being with others within that Quarter. Please review our return policy terms and conditions for more information, or contact us by writing to office@jovianarchive.com. In our common search for union as the absolute, separation does not seem to be the perfect counterpart; but more the denial of the union with the other that we were searching for. It is important to distinguish the difference between the navigation tools, which are like a compass, from the signposts, which are descriptions of what our nature will do when we are navigating properly. Creations that change the trajectory of human life, human expediency and human comfort and convenience. Have you seen this at work in your life? An oportunity to develop the necessary self-awareness to be able to recognize ourselves in that mirror. With this quick guide you will: Learn practical Strategies for Decision-Making. Itis a strict matter of Synchronicity;another one of the major themes inherent in the dynamics of this profoundly energized quarter. It does not grow or flower. About this time the expediency of subordinating Georgia to South Carolina was in certain high quarters seriously discussed and gave the trustees some concern. When we are moving along our natural path without resistance, the costume naturally fits us better and the expression is a clear and natural outgrowth of that. Our goal is to guide you in your journey. There have been many names for these faces in different cultures over the eons. If you were born in the Quarter of Duality your life will have a theme of 'Purpose fulfilled through your Relationships' with others.This life is about interacting with others, seeing yourself mirrored in them and discovering who you like and who you don't and thereby gradually being able to evaluate . Do know who you really are? Bonding with others out of correctness has nothing to do with establishing an emotional symbiosis with anyone that is supposed to last forever. The Rave BodyGraph and Rave Mandala are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Media Pte. Updated and republished with permission. Welcome to ourHuman Design Life Coaching Services. Click here to download to the introductory audio to this program, the first whole lecture, absolutely free. The mind and the influence of others may often interfere with this inner knowing. Below, look for the gate of your Personality Sun to find your Godhead and its theme. Right Angle Cross of Contagion 2. After seven years, we are all expected to have learned what the tribal rules of the social game are in our society. Would you like to receive free Human Design articles, This does not mean, however, that I do not love being part of humanity, or that I do not appreciate and even enjoy so many of its impressive achievements on the material plane. It is not abnormal to be afraid of those that you love most and that you so deeply depend on. Request to join the Facebook Group by clicking the image above, Human Design System Article by Laveena Lovick, Laveena Lovick, Human Design System Teacherlaveenalovick@gmail.com. Are you ready to dare to differentiate into the unique being you are here to be? This is the G Center(see image below with all the gates colored in to show their position in the Human Design Mandala). Han China entered a dramatic decline around 100 C.E due to more bureaucrats becoming corrupt, social unrest causing rebellions, and the spread of a devastating epidemic that killed up to half the population, which finally allowed nomadic groups to not only deal the final blows that toppled Han China, but also allowed three centuries of chaos to Mandala Gates 1 to 19. Your G Center is the home of your Higher Self. There is no limit on how this could be shown. The Quarter The Gate placement of the Personality Sun shows us the core area we are here to work with. yourself and live who you are. If there is a place where planet Earth reveals itself as the 'planet of suffering', as mystics have always called it, this place is the Quarter of Civilization. Ah, Duality, it seems to be the source of all evil as Jean Paul Sartre stated. You may place your body in many different locations, or adorn your body with a stunning wardrobe of different outfits or even, if you are a woman, become a mother (if this resonates with you, which wont suit everyone from this Quarter).Our bodies are here to be transformed through what we do, what we eat and where we go. Were always available to answer questions about Human Design and point you in the right directiontoward products, articles, or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your exploration of Human Design. If over 2000 years ago Lao-Tzu could sense that humanity was losing touch with the natural order, the marriage between capitalism and science - brought about by the industrial revolution - has not only blocked the evolutionary wheel of human consciousness at the level of survival, but it has also given the power to multinational corporations to determine the politics of almost every government in the world. The most powerful channel of them all, the dominating one, the one that will change our civilization, and the one that we all will be impacted by. In the Quarter of Civilization (Gates 2-33), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Formthrough manifesting. Mandala Gates 7 to 44. Did you keep an eye on the bottom or 1st line as you moved around the wheel? This is the world where anything can happenits about the process of living (like the rest of the wheel is) but here it is also about the process of transformation and accepting death. We all suffer when it comes to manifest the potential of our form as an individual. And it is the same for the other in relationship to us. This four volume encyclopedia provides one of the most comprehensive explorations of Incarnation Crosses. Human Design addresses life purpose in a very specific way through the Incarnation Cross. Nowhere like here can we see the mechanics of the 'form principle' at work, only that its purpose is very rarely fulfilled in the unique form of each individual that is and has ever been born, but its purpose is deeply dehumanized and homogenized into a bunch of 'roles and rules', designed to provide the 'glue' for identification between members and assure the continuity of the group. More Info. There are four Faces per Quarterfour distinct nuances of each Godhead. 1. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Expression of the Self the Creativeof course, Yang/Yang. Nobody knows how to turn it into the fuel for individual awareness that it really is meant to be. In this way, the Incarnation Cross is a signpost rather than a guiding mechanism. We are a group of certified Human Design professionals dedicated to providing the highest standards of unique Human Design Analysis, Living Your Design Guidance, BG5 Career and Business Consulting and Human Design Coaching.We can give you the keys to your genetic code so that you can live an inspired life of growth, change, self-acceptance and unconditional love.Are you ready to transform your life? LakshmiGoddess of Beauty and Good Fortune Gates: 16-Skills, 35-Change, 45-The Gatherer, 12-Caution. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, please let us know and well issue a full refund. changing the whole theory of our patriarchial civilization, and begetting isolation and solitude where formerly existed inviting man sions, the centres of sympathies and social life . Generally, the Right Angle is associated with Personal Destiny, a self-focused, karma-creating movement through life, that includes a more innocent way of pursuing new experience. If we can accept those natural gifts in ourselves and others, we can find that everything has its role, function, and place. Sign up to receive Human Design System news and updates. In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older . A recession is when a country experiences two or more quarters of contraction in their economy. Covers Gates 1 - 19 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. The Quarter of Initiation is about the potential empowerment of individual awareness realizing its inherent purpose through the rational mind, and the Quarter of Civilization is about the empowerment of individual awareness realizing its inherent purpose through the potential of its alignment to the world of form. This is an edited conversation loosely transcribed from the Human Design Collective Podcast Spotlight Episode on Relationships and Connection Charts. If you haven't yet had a guided tour of the hexagrams and how we divide the wheel, it's a lot of fun to do! But from the perspective of the way in which gate 6 experiences its social emotions; separation simply never seems to make any sense; no matter how deeply the union might be loaded with personal frustration. This is the world where anything can happenits about the process of living, transformation, and accepting death. The first and official site of the work Perhaps it is something that we never had to create or figure out. 13 The Fellowship of Man - The Gate of the ListenerUniversal ideas and values in an ordered framework which inspires humanistic cooperation. It eventually dropped to 3.8% in . Just like intelligence is overestimated, so is the so-called 'spirit of civilization' in humanity. The general theme of purpose is examined through the 12 combinations of Quarter and Angle. From this perspective, the life purpose is not something that we choose or construct. Civilization is responsible for every level of disappointment in human beings, you can ask any good Reflector. The Quarter of Initiation's Transcendent love is shown by Gate 25, giving us our way of being empowered in the universe, innocently, unconditionally loving through others that great unknowable force that we are all a part of. Because gate 6 is responsible to regulate the nature of the wave in the Solar Plexus; for this gate separation is like an abortion of something that was only meant to grow after it has started. Position 1 Quarter of Initiation Position 2 Quarter of Civilization Position 3 Quarter of Duality Position 4 Quarter of Mutation Sun 18 - Perfection Sun 58 - Bliss Earth 17 - Opinion Earth 52 - Stillness The Quarter of Civilization. [2] It was the capital city of a major Classic period kingdom from the 5th to 9th centuries AD. No other channel has the power to do that. And the more and more we see our Profile in the way in which we operate in the world, the closer we are to the correctness of being ourselves. Looking for your Incarnation Cross Audio . The funniest thing of all is that this is the normal way of being in a bond for the large majority of human beings; because this is the way 7 centered human beings have always dealt with their emotionality as a pure engine that reproduces a blinding wave of homogenized hopes and immature and hysterically distorted reactions in the management of personal pain. Each Quarter of the wheel is determined by grouping the hexagrams according to their foundations. This means that whatever is not properly integrated in the individual mind and the awareness about the alignment to its unique form; represents a human conflict that is hidden in the shadow of its conditioned mental fears. You see, we are living in a program. How do we find it? 3I want to stop waking up with a. With each of the above variations, that equates to 192 basic incarnation crosses. 3 - Duality. Actually, as a result of the nine centered mutation that is undergo, some of the best of the spirit of humanity is to be found in these 4 gates (15, 52, 39 & 53), that look away from the throat and its focus on goals, achievements and results. This seems to be the only way to find inside ourselves that stationary place of alignment with our own form that enables us to interact with the world around us; without getting stuck struggling with the resistances we find in those that we meet. Through the set of four individual gates that starts this quarter (Gates 2, 23, 8 & 20), Civilization develops and empowers its foundational building block with every new generation; the family as an institution, and the minimum social cell in which every individual is taught how to fit in with the small group. Gate 2 is the location of the Magnetic Monopole, which holds the Personality and Design Crystal together in the illusion of separation from the totality. Lets start with gate 7 the Army . Like the other three quarters, the Quarter of Initiation is divided in two halves by one of the 4 gates that make up the cross of the Vessel of Love. More Info, The Human Design Collective will be conducting the next "Rave Cartography" course online from January 13 to March 31, 2023. And in being able to see the stitching and the styling and the quality of that costume, you can begin to understand how you look going down the road of your incarnation. Quarter of Duality the Realm of Jupiter. This Semester our Study Group will explore Incarnation Crosses and how they support understanding of Human Design by looking at the progression of the Gates through the Mandala and how the Incarnation Crosses express the ever-developing frequency of the Maia. The current financial comparison is for the fourth quarter of 2022 and fourth quarter of 2021. If we find ourselves in contexts and situations where we encounter resistance, where we have to push ourselves and others in a way that feels forced, or where we feel unseen, unfulfilled or unable to feel comfortable in our own skin, it is often because we have lost touch with our nature. 2 - Civilization. It is only when you live long enough by the consistency of your Strategy and Authority, that you identify so deeply with the unique frequency of your own form that you actually 'become it' to the fullest of your being. The Quarter of Initiation is about the potential empowerment of individual awareness; realizing its inherent purpose through the rational mind. In the Quarter of Duality (Gates 7-44), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Bonding. Amy is an IHDS Certified Analyst Living Your Design Guide with decades of experience in counseling. Use this tool to find the audio corresponding to your cross easily. People born in this quarter work toward genetic security. This is where the minds carefully initiated (formulated) concepts are concertized into form. The Neutrino Ocean in You November 15 to 30 2019, The Neutrino Ocean in You November 1 to 15 2019, The Neutrino Ocean in You October 1 to 15 2019, Depression: Building a homogenized future, Projectors and the Purpose of Differentiated Awareness. In the drop-down lists below the Mandala, look for your Personality Sun Gate under your quarter to find your Godhead. And it isn't getting any better, or is it? The remaining question seems to be only to which extend; and this denial of human egoism erupts in all societies as crime. Our core expression, function, and contribution struggle to come to fruition. We start the Quarter of Initiation with Gate 13 - The Fellowship of Man . Quarter 2: The Quarter of Civilization, is the second of the four books and covers Gates 2 - 33 around the Mandala. Kali's homogenized image of a destructive force was no stranger in my life. I think I made it clear from the beginning that I wasn't going to paint a sweet and romantic picture of Civilization, but who would expect that from a lover of human differentiation? When we activate all the gates in this Quarter we have only one definition, the pure Generator with the Channel of Exploration. Our G Center molds or defines our identity within the pattern of the totality, giving us our place within it and our connection to it. The most powerful channel of them all the dominating one the one that will change our civilization and the one that we all will be impacted by. This four-volume, 1200-page encyclopedia provides one of the most comprehensive explorations of the 192 Incarnation Crosses, Angles, and Profiles. In this way, learning about the Cross can become another distraction of the mind rather than a helpful part of the map. It has been there for us to discover all along, as our inherent gift and birthright. It can be what naturally comes out of us when we are being ourselves in resonance with the body and the environment for which we are designed. Human Design addresses life purpose in a very specific way through the Incarnation Cross. Here's a look at six of the earliest civilizationsand the legacies they left to the world. Notice there are six solid linessix Yang lines. Strategy and Authority naturally weed out what is not ours to deal with and attract the people and experiences with which we are designed to engage with purpose. A small seed of your own understanding is worth more than a forest of theories offered by others. In the Quarter of Civilization (Gates 2-33), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Formthrough manifesting. Synchronicity ; another one of the earliest civilizationsand the legacies they left to the world the drop-down lists the. Different cultures over the eons through Formthrough manifesting around the wheel is determined by grouping the hexagrams according to foundations... Comparison is for the Gate of your own understanding is worth more than a mechanism... Civilization ( Gates 7-44 ), we are all expected to have learned what the rules! Higher Self quarters of contraction in their economy 35-Change, 45-The Gatherer, 12-Caution with anyone that is supposed last. 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