My life coaching business came to nothing I am unable to work. I began to take as prescribed and do not have any problems until 6 days after my 4 th dose, I was awakened in the night with uncomfortable, aching wrists. I had to stop immediately and was plunged in to full blown menopause, which has been hell ever since. re the first strange vivid dreams has been my nearest experience. The food and drug agency should be aware of this severe health risk and compensation for reconstruction of dental work and monies for pain and suffering should be compensated. Taking alendronic acid for at least a year can halve your chances of fractures in your wrist, hip, or spine when youve entered the menopausal stage. I was prescribed alendronic acid 1x weekly. Home; About. Ohh my Goodness thank you so much for your post. The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips. But I Need to get an updated DEXA to see how things have progressed. There are over 200 million people worldwide who have osteoporosis. The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips. take personal responsibility for themselves. It was all around my upper body. Some medications may interact with alendronic acid and may cause it not to work effectively. This is a vile drug dangerous and should be pulled from market to protect any future victims. I reported the effect the drug had on me to the MHRA. Anyway, I started to take them three weeks ago and I seem to have been fortunate in that I have had very few side effects but, after reading all these reviews, Im not sure I will carry on as Im fit and healthy with no pain. Looking back over the past four years of this journey, I realised that whenever I took any other tablets my symptoms worsened dramatically. My crown became wobbly and fell out . I really think the doctors for whatever reason are unable to tell people to eat right and exercise i.e. It is normally taken with twice daily chewable calcium tablets. She is very upset as to how this medication has impacted her. My mom who is 76 has taken 7 tablets, she stopped due to pain in her hips legs and groin. If you are taking this tablet once a week . The GP has been renewing this prescription although I now read a patient only needs to take for 2 yrs max! Related Compound Libraries. I was thinking maybe I was dehydrated, so I drank a few bottles of purified water. Peripheral neuropathy in the hands and fingers. Also taking into account that I have & still do.Lead a very active & healthy lifestyle! There is a Group related to these awful side effects on Facebook called Reglan Support Group (Primperan/Metoclopramide Read the devastating effects this drug has had on people taking it. I had been doing yoga for twenty years. I was put on alendronic acid weekly and vitamin d and calcium twice a day . So after a bit of Internet research and finding this site, I will no longer be taking either drug. I have been taking them for about 5 weeks. Im very concerned, like you & so many others, about the side effects of AA which I have just started today! In case of severe allergic reactions and poisoning on your first dose, please call your doctor or emergency help immediately. Having read & researched online information regarding side effects I accepted that I needed to take the Prednisolone but was not comfortable with ADCAL 3D + Alendronic Acid & especially since my Vitamin D level was so good but was advised to take them taking into account my age of 73years. I will not take the poison again. Your doctor might recommend you take other drugs 30 minutes after taking alendronic acid. The hospital talking about infusions once a year but still waiting for a appointment. What an awful position to be in! Taking Prednisone now reduced to 15mg per day and apparently it has accelerated progress of cataracts! 4 days after my 6th dose, I woke up in the night with right hip pain. Singing, to my deep distress, is now out of the question, along with all the other active things I loved to do. Took one tablet within 24hrs experienced labour pains & felt like Id been kicked by a horse in the back continued for 4 days, gradually wore off and I refused to take another Alendronic pill again. The last two weeks I have felt terribly sick, not eaten much had terrible bloated stomach, one Sunday I felt so ill I had to do a 111 saw a medical person and was given a thorough test being told everthing was ok, I had put it all down to my gallbladder which it wasnt. It could give you terrible side effects. I had read the side effects of this drug and was very reluctant to take it. Name of the medicinal product. When my doctor told me emphatically that I couldnt build my bones with diet and exercise alone, I reluctantly said ok, but I want to take strontium. Bizarre feelings in my head, my arms feeling like they didnt belong to me, I felt faint and dizzy, my heart was pounding and had moments when it seemed out of rhythm. Have other peoples side effects, particularly bone and muscle pain gone away after discontinuing this drug. Then, you can resume eating and drinking normally. I took it on Tuesday. My Mum had taken Alendronic for 10yrs after breaking her hip. No way am I taking another drug, and particularly not this one. So whats the point, it sounds like poison. I have been taking A.A for about 9/10 months. It was becoming clear to me at this point that activity brought on my symptoms, and at that time it was extreme activity a session at the gym, a long bike ride, a strenuous walk. At which point he told me that NICE guidelines indicated that he had to prescribe alendronic acid, and he could only move me to a different drug if it didnt work. Six hours later, left jaw joint tightness, nerves in teeth/jaw became sensitive (lasted a day), runny stools, dry mouth, calf cramps (at night). My body jerked violently and out of control for hours. I was such an idiot for believing in this drug! The PA was baffled. I was prescribed Alendronic Acid 70 mg by my GP a couple of months go due to fracturing my humorous after I tripped me fell. . There is a fine balance struck in order to treat symptoms without curing, so your symptoms are only abated when you take drugs, but if you die, then obviously they make no more money. I think its great that we can come in here and discuss how we are feeling. However, the tablets are poorly absorbed, with less than 1 per cent of the dose being taken . This was after I had in some detail again described to him how prior to a jerking episode, my muscles pulled tighter and tighter before a violent release .. he metaphorically patted me on the head and told me to go and have a massage. I was told by the hospital after my bone scan that my Osteoporosis was not that bad so Ill see what happens after my next scan Im 73 years old and dont want to feel unwell due to the side effects which if you read about them can be very serious. Individual bisphosphonates have different . The strange thing is that as soon as I read: That is exactly the reaction I had years ago to Metoclopramide the anti sickness drug. These drugs are pushed to the top of the prescribing line by big pharma. Although the scores looked very slightly better at the . My GP told me to take alendronic acid with the calcium and vit D tabs 5 or so years ago (in my mid 40s), after a DEXA scan showed I had mild osteoporosis already. I am 73, have Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and I was prescribed Aldronic Acid 1 a week since breaking my femur in 2015. I am 62, healthy and active. In 2002 I discovered via the internet that I wasnt desperately ill with an anxiety disorder that only Seroxat could fix. I hd bone density DXA scan scan in 2010 and was told i had The side effects of this drug are well documented and you can see them at :- but from the start have not felt well, stabbing pains dental probs,aching joints,My dentist referred me to a specialist to have 3 teeth removed,but i lost it in the chair so scared ! I guess my mouth has changed after a long time and it has not fitted properly for a while. Jan. I have osteoporosis and my GP prescribed Alendronic Acid. My opinion is , go and see your GP for advise ! September 2020 Diagnosed with PMR & prescribed Prednisolone + ADCAL3D +Alendronic Acid. Ive only had one tablet of the Alendronic Acid yesterday, but seem to have quite a few of the side effects so wont have another again, and am miffed to see that people have problems for weeks even after one tablet. Some people, as early as the age of 35, experiences loss of average bone density resulting in weaker bones. Since taking alendronic, I have had difficulty in running and doing all the workout I was doing. Your dosing may depend on your age, how severe your bone condition is, other medical conditions you have, and your reaction to the first dose. The Royal Osteoporosis Society website is very detailed and useful, with info on exercise you should do more of it which must be weight bearing more so than just walking and promote balance. I just took my 8th dose of alendronate sodium 70 mg. To my surprise he agreed. I could hardly walk with pain all over my body, felt sick, couldnt eat. Today is Wednesday! I also found a naturally sourced alternative to the calcium, which is much easier to digest, but its not as strong. No other cause but the medicine . Really concerned as Ive never ever had bowel problems!!!! I am worried about it as it seems to be getting worse. She was put on Alendronic acid as she had a fall broke her wrist and has had breast cancer. I urge you to Look into his work for yourselves. Two or three times a week. Again i had another Dexa scan 2 years ago and it was found i have oesteoporosis in the spine which i feel very worried about it. Ive just discovered that lack of it can be at the root of fatigue, depression, low body temperature, and many other issues. This was a total surprise to me. It belongs to a group of drugs called bisphosphonates, which are the most commonly used treatment for people with osteoporosis. She was a keen walker and is feeling very worried. Took dose 8 yesterday, and so far so good. Prevention. I had investigated alendronic acid on the internet. This way, youll prevent any irritation in your throat or esophagus. She has stopped the tablets. I just started my first pill of fosamax 70 yesterday. Ive been on Alendronic Acid for about ten years, possibly longer. Is it possible to just stop taking the tablets? they can have the opposite effect ! Fast forward to 2008. Ive now been put on Risedronate and after just 24 hrs I ache all over and keep getting sharp pains everywhere , seriously thinking of stopping this as side effects are awful. Had chat with doctor and decided to come off and leave it for two years then have another bone scan and see how my old bones were going. My Seroxat story is classic and a repeat of so many other peoples. She is currently in a lot of pain when she walks. No problems with my calcium + vitamin D levels when I started taking medication. I was prescribed in 2003 following a crack in my Femur following a knee replacement and the resulting Dexa scan! For oral liquid medicine, use the dosing syringe to measure one unit (70 mg in 100 ml) of oral solution and take it once a week. Yes and i stopped taking them my stomach was so bad i could only chest breathe. Then one day my body turned to chaos. Unfortunately, Im pretty intolerant to most drugs, other than HRT, which I took for 5 years without any side effects and made me feel fantasticuntil my GP refused to prescribe them once I reached 50. I am diary intolerant. In the morning (Wednesday) I was not able to zip my jeans, brush my hair or other daily activities. Since things improved I kept taking the medication. But it probably has. My doctor didn't mention the gastrointestinal issues when prescribing Alendronic acid and neither did she mention alternative ways of improving my situation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. As things are at the moment I have a good healthy, natural, milky diet. 2. So, I took it with 12 ounces of water. and he said he would refer for being sedated,as he said he AA are wonderful tablets but do cause jaw and teeth probs along with everything else Am seriously thinking of coming off of them but want to see the outcome of coming off them and how safe it is. In particular, the men we talked to felt strongly that there is still insufficient information and awareness about the fact that osteoporosis affects men. If it is common for headaches, dizzy spells and blackout reportsshouldnt this concern those that live alone, for both GP and patient? Alendronic acid is not for children or teens below 18 years old. 2019 I went to the Dentist with a broken tooth, she told me after an Xray that she could only pull the tooth out as my jaw was crumbling and she could only offer me dentures from now on. ). If you have osteoporosis, bone fractures commonly occur in your: Below are the most common factors that may put you at risk of developing osteoporosis: Youre also at a much higher risk of developing osteoporosis if you have health conditions like: Osteoporosis wont give you any symptoms, but you should visit your doctor if youre in doubt, especially if youre approaching menopausal age. If recommended to be taken twice a day, you should have it during lunchtime and dinnertime. I took my first Alendronic acid tablet last Sunday. They are ok and work fine for first few years ! But I just couldnt describe it as you have. I have been reluctant to start this course of medication due to the possible side effects and negative responses from the enquiries I have made regarding the drug. Hi I have been on alendronic acid for 7 months I was worried about side effects but have been ok but have noticed a weakness in muscles and am really stiff in mornings and if I sit down even for a short while. So if u are on adcal or calcium as well check out it isnt that causing any side effects. This was on top of my usual activity levels. Did your painn go away after it left your system. Hi there. Shingles 6 months ago and Dr. says this is result of shingles. Hi, Ive just discovered this site. I was put on Amitriptyline to help nerve pain. Hello Claire, I am 60 years old and very modern and active with and without my grandchildren. I too, was prescribed this drug as, my poor mother had developed osteoporosis very badly. I thought that I had been duped, once, into taking a drug I probably didnt need for an illness I probably didnt have, a drug that damaged my health. Like any other drug, alendronic acid comes with mild side effects, which affect 1 in 100 people. Re: Can't take another alendronic acid. I was in a bad way. In addition, previous side effects were swellings and wealds all over, itching and bloatedness. if the side effects persist to contact him again Due to Covid you cannot see a GP I asked for a telephone call but was told it would be at least 2 weeks before I could get an appointment Ive decided not to take my more tablets. My story begins in May 2014 when I was 72 and took the first once a week dose of one tablet with a glass of water. About 3 hours later, I started to feel weird, sort of dizzy. Bisphosphonates such as alendronic acid help halt this process by reducing the rate of bone breakdown. It will slow down the breakdown of bones and support the faster growth of new bones in your body. Fast forward to 2009. I am not hoi going to take anymore Alendronic acid tablets. There is a phrase called the patient financial profile which is the profit made from an illness or disease or condition without the patient either getting cured or dying. The doctors do say though that we should let them know if we have any. This is a condition that causes your bones to get weaker and be more likely to break. Does anyone know the scientific evidence for Alendronic acid and what it does to the body that makes so many people feel achy and dizzy? Hello very interested in everyones comments, I was put on alendronic acid tablets two years ago since I had osteoporosis in the hips. . My 76yr old mom has taken 7 AA tablets and it has cause her hip, leg and groin pain that has become quite severe. I had vivid dreams, some headaches and didnt sleep well to start with. He says he cured his wifes osteoporosis with the supplementation of boron and he describes the dosage he used in the video. Tablets the gift that keeps giving, I have just had a DXA scan (following a wrist fracture) and it came back I have really bad osteoporosis. Delighted to report Tum is behaving much better since giving up just hoping the other side effects ( Jaw and Teeth) dont show up unexpected! Because of how I tend to react and my blood test results, I thought I would research the new meds first and Im now very pleased that I did. To summarise, my probs appear to be muscular. Avoid taking it if you have esophageal or throat conditions. they mask the crumbling bones within and only show the outer bone growth, I have decided I really dont want to take these any more but wonder if there are side effects. I would like to take an alternative to alendronic acid wuth some exercises for the spine. Hi Bisphosphonates to treat bone weakness caused by prostate cancer that has spread to the bones. Alendronate works by slowing down the cells that break . This is a dangerous drug. Now on Alendronic 70 weekly. Should there be a next time I will follow my own advice as I believe we all know our own bodies to a degree of course & I will follow my gut instinct!!! Firstly, the potential gastric problems, secondly osteonecrosis of the jaw, and thirdly the suggestion that the quality of the bone created by the drug is not as good as normal bone. I asked her how long wil it take for the fosamax to leave my body, and when will this pain stop. My face had also experienced this and I have had swollen lips. I have even had to report my concern and disappointment and lack of care by both my GP and Dentist. From day one my tummy was not happy & after 8 weeks I suddenly became severely constipated (Literally overnight !!!) My lower teeth started getting loose and getting cavities to the point where , in 2011 I had to have the last remaining 6 lower teeth pulled and dentures made. She told me that all of these drugs, which is just a few, would cause me to have the same side effects. In April 2010 I went back to my gym routine, and within a few weeks the second jerking episode occurred. I ran on a treadmill for twenty minutes and I could push my weight in kilos on the leg press. 1. Stop taking your alendronic acid yes like you I been taking AA for about 2yrs in this time I have had a dry mouth enough to think Im going to lose all my teeth at the time . Editorial Note: We want any accounts of adverse or interesting events on drugs or new uses for drugs from people on them or doctors, pharmacists or others trying to manage the effects of drugs. Get the link to download App. Ostopenia and had a high risk of a fracture. This vitamin helps your bones absorb more calcium. It usually takes 6-12 months of taking alendronic acid to support your bones. I have had to keep off coffee, fruit and anything acidic for months, I even tried gaviscon which made me feel sick and had a bloated stomach for 2 hours. I found it all extremely interesting and worrying. My ears was hurting. I quit often find that some of the drugs my doctor has given me gives me bad reactions. She used to get upset stomach the day & day after taking them. Our Story; Links to Network; News; Team; Services; Join the Team; The hygienist cleaned my teeth a few weeks ago. If you suddenly stop taking the drug, you might experience severe side effects, putting you at high risk of more bone fractures. In the meantime her teeth fell outliterally fell outwhat on earth was happening. A blood test followed and the inflammation was evident in the test, but I did not test positive for RA which I was worried about. With the agreement of my GP I have now stopped taking the tablets. There is nothing I can do to stop the shoulder pain, and lower jaw pain, or the chills I get. Hi. It has further become clear that my symptoms were not and are not brought on by activity per se, but by an increase and deepening in my breathing, as if the extra air I take in is poisoning me in some way. Meds Safety . thanks for this site. I am at the moment still recovering from my fracture as it only been 3wks so if anyone reading this have a build up of pressure on your leg whilst taking these awful tablets seek help before the leg breaks as it will the femur is so so painful take care everyone. I wont be taking it as I feel I may be able to find a natural alternative. I woke up, called my doctor to make sure it was safe to take with a few broken ribs, and I was told yes. Its such a dilemma. This year the odd finger started my hands have started shaking when I am on my keyboard but for the past 3 months both hands shake. After trying a variety of non-drug treatments, I went to the doctor in December 1996 with intermittent insomnia and PMS, and asked for some sleeping tablets. It has given me bad acid reflux. risk of breaking a bone. I had heard of necrosis in the bones before and she had all the symptoms. From then on the amount of activity needed to bring on the symptoms became less and less, to where I am now. It is relevant at this point to say that my sister lives in Australia which has different prescribing criteria. She sent me to a specialist for a second opinion and he said take it. 3. After reading this negative press about AA, I refused to take it. Have been on it a yr. Was ok i think, but disabled badly with fatigue anyway, so hard to know. She had to wait months and eventually had the hip replacement. Ive been on Alendronic acid for a few months now. One thing concerns me! The side effect possibilities worry me. . She had breast cancer over 5 years ago and had a fall recently and broke her wrist. I think she must have dislodged it, I also have something called GCA which can affect your jaw so I cant say which or if either has caused the problem. Now have constant Even before Fosamax was introduced in 1995 as a superior osteoporosis treatment, jaw osteonecrosis has been linked to the bisphosphonate drug family. And dairy products reach in calcio. Then in early November I started to feel strange again. Started on Fosamax l6 years ago. I had a complete hysterectomy 24 years ago but could not tolerate HRT therefore was susceptible to osteoporosis but I had slipped through the net according to my doctor and only got a dexa scan in August 2017. Below is everything you need to know about alendronic acid, commonly prescribed by doctors to treat bone conditions. Hi, Ive just been reading through some of the comments as I too have concerns over Alendronic acid tablets. Small movements and small gentle breaths allow me to feel ok and for my muscles to be still. Im not really happy with the idea of another pill so asked what would happen if I didnt take them and she said I dont know ! l feel I am not listened to andn being my age, Im past bothering about. Same here. I also have had a bone scan pre drugs so it would be interesting to find out when I can have another scan to see whether there is an improvement or at least no further loss apart from normal degeneration of bone. Like to leave a reply to louise bird Im not going to take another one and just hope these pains gradually wear off. Hospital Aug 2017 Spine -2.7 Hip -1.1. It is usually injected by a healthcare provider in a doctor's office, hospital, or clinic. Took AA on Sunday and the next night I was in so much pain, I couldnt move. My bloods were fairly normal although my Vit D was just within normal. I had a scan 6 months ago and have osteoporosis. Typically, doctors recommend taking osteoporosis medication for 3-5 years. Alendronic Acid Has Destroyed My Life. I will come back in a few weeks and let you guys know if I have any strange side effects. The pain has travelled to her shins since stopping it. I took the tab yesterday &.the strange & heavy uneven rhythm actually woke me up last night. The test showed that I now have osteopenia, but could never get off alendronic as it is due to gluten. I started reading this because after being diagnosed with breast cancer part of my ongoing treatment is Letrozole plus Alendronic Acid. A woman from Pembrokeshire says she "has been left with this fear" after a medicine she was taking has weakened her bones. This medicine is available as a generic drug in oral pill or solution form and under brand names like Fosamax (oral tablet) and Binosto (oral effervescent . I also read from what seems like reliable sources that oesophageal cancer rates go up by 40% and also causes atrial fibrillation in significant numbers . Many thanks for all your information. Your doctor may recommend you go for a regular bone density test using X-rays, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), or a special CT scan to diagnose. I have just taken my first one and reading this forum is really interesting. Ive just been prescribed AA but having read all the posts on this site have decided not to start taking it. When I last saw my Consultant she wanted me to go on Alendronic Acid. In rare cases, it can be severe and may hint at a medical emergency. Thanks. What are we paying the doctors for? Your body naturally breaks down old bones and replaces them with new bone tissues to support your skeletal system throughout life. I also had pain/soreness behind the eyes and a niggling headache for 48 hours. So I left the surgery with a prescription for alendronic acid and a promise I would have a scan after two years, not the usual three. I am disappointed in my GP who recommended a NHS Dentist in Melcome Avenue, Wemouth. The Odteoporosis Society were great adn adviced me to see a specialist. The dentist told me there was no possible way the drugs had anything to do with my teeth getting loose, and it was probably just poor dental hygiene, in spite of the fact that I was 56 when these problems STARTED and 63 when I had to give up and pull the last ones. You uesly get shake from over active thyroid, I know because that what I have, I have been put on alendronic, I havent taken them yet, its very frigthening, not sure what to do, Im 63 and have gone to the gym most ofy life, I dont want to there guinea pig,. Im sure they will sound familiar. Following breast cancer they want me to take Aromatase Inhibitor along with a Biphosphonate Clondronate or Zolendronic so my question to everyone out there will these other biphosphonates result in similar pain? Osteoporosis can be prevented. And yes side effects are happening, muscles ache, jaw aches, I did have an X-ray on my jaw and its fine TG. This settled after a few days , I started taking foxomax at the age of 38 and took it weekly for many years during this time the foxomax I was taking became alendronic acid I had no idea the dental problems it could cause till I need a tooth out I I had to come of alendronic acid and wait a period of time before having my tooth out but to my shock before I went back on alendronic acid it was suggested I have a dexa scan I didn,t think there would be any thing a miss how mistaken I was although I had been on the alendronic acid for years it hadn,t worked for me and my bones where thinner than they should be I now have ostiopenia and take ad cal, I am dealing with broken teeth and mouth issues due to foxamax. I got a book on osteoporosis from the library and it explained against taking alendronic acid and any other medication that contain biphosphates. Thank you for your comment. I had to ask the doctor at hospital when I went for gluten test and results. Fast forward to 2019 stared getting pains from my knees traveled throughout my body into my head thought im going to die. reading all of your comments I will not be taking another one of theses tablets . Dentist now tells me my teeth are not strong enough to hold a bridge again. However, you are advised to talk to your doctor if these side effects persist or worsen. Now reduced to 15mg per day and apparently it has not fitted properly for a while the... The hips reactions and poisoning on your first dose, please call your doctor might recommend take. Fall broke her wrist poorly absorbed, with less than 1 per of... Outwhat on earth was happening most commonly used treatment for people with osteoporosis result of shingles since stopping it tab... Are not strong enough to hold a bridge again, possibly longer, itching and bloatedness twice... Were great adn adviced me to a group of drugs called bisphosphonates, which is just a months. 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